Teaching Assistant:
Classes: 12:40-1:55 Tues. & Thurs. in Ayres 102
Directory of Handouts, Labs, etc.
This page: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/Classes/420-S00
This course will be based on a new text, Dana H. Ballard's An Introduction to Natural Computation (MIT Press, 1997).
Natural computation is the study of the computational processes in natural systems, expecially the learning algorithms found in nature. These algorithms operate on at least three timescales: (1) learning to react (neural networks), (2) learning during a lifetime (reinforcement learning), and (3) learning across generations (genetic algorithms & genetic programming). This course will present these three approaches to learning and the essential ideas they have in common.
At this time I do not anticipate having a final exam, so your grade will be based on your homework. Of course, all homework should be your own work.
Send mail to Bruce MacLennan / MacLennan@cs.utk.edu