Essay Assignments

For each essay assignment you are expected to write at least 250 words, but no more than 500.  Your answers are expected to be logically valid, well organized, and grammatically correct. Note: Don’t post your answer to the class email list!  Send it to me by private email or give me hardcopy in class.  Please put you name on your assignment, and if you are sending me a file, please also put your last name in the file name. This helps me keep everything straight! -- Updated!

  1. Due Oct. 10, 2006: In 250–500 words: (1) summarize the Chinese Room Argument, (2) summarize the objections (“replies”) to the CRA, and (3) present your own evaluation of the CRA.  For part (3), please defend your conclusion.  For example, if you agree with the CRA, briefly state your response to the objections.  If you agree with one of the standard “replies,” explain how to deal with Searle’s reply to that reply.
    Alternate Assignment: If you attended Prof. Plummer’s breakfast talk, you can write 250–500 words summarizing his talk and the following discussion.

  2. Due Nov. 9, 2006: Summarize the principal differences between symbolic and connectionist AI as you understand them. Discuss the pros and cons of each. Which do you think is better (1) as an approach to AI and (2) as a model of natural intelligence? Why?  The target length for your answer is 250–500 words, but don’t worry if you go a little over that length.

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Last updated: 2006-11-03.