Great Conversation III (US 310) Reading List
1. Ovid [43 BCE-18 CE]: Metamorphoses [380pp] selections

2. Apuleius [fl. 150]: Golden Ass [280pp] selections

3. Plotinus [c. 204-270]: Enneads selections

4. Boethius [480-524]: Consolation of Philosophy [110pp]

5. Wolfram v. Eschenbach [c. 1210]: Parzival [270pp] selections

6. Dante [1265-1321]: Divine Comedy [150 + 160 + 160 pp] selections

7. Petrarch, Ficino, Pico selections in The Renaissance Philosophy of Man (ed. Cassirer, Kristeller, Randall) [170pp]

8. Castiglione [1478-1529]: The Courtier [315pp] selections

9. Machiavelli [1469-1527]: The Prince [85pp]

10. Erasmus [1466-1536]: Praise of Folly [130pp]

Great Conversation IV (US 320) Tentative Reading List
1. Montaigne [1533-1592]: Essays [1200pp] selections

2. Francis Bacon [1627]: New Atlantis [40pp], and/or Essays [142pp]

3. Shakespeare [c. 1611]: Tempest [90pp]

4. Milton [1608-1674]: Areopagitica [40pp]

5. Bunyan [1678, 1684]: Pilgrim's Progress, Part I [170pp]

6. Voltaire [1759]: Candide [100pp]

7. Rousseau [1712-1778]: Discourse on Origins of Inequality [130pp]

8. Goethe [1808]: Faust (Pt. I & Pt. II?) [160 + 250pp]

9. Shelley [1818]: Frankenstein [200pp]

10. Romanticism [1789-1832]: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Keats, Scott, Schiller, Novalis, Poe, Longfellow,...

11. Emerson [1803-1882]: Nature [50pp]

12. Isaiah Berlin article for wrapup