Problem Directory: /home/bvanderz/cs140/Labs/treeHeight
Problem Description
Write a recursive function to compute the height of a binary tree. The height of a binary tree can be recursively defined as follows:
height(root) = max(height(left subtree), height(right subtree)) + 1
height(NULL) = -1
The meaning of height(NULL) is -1 is that an empty tree has a height of -1. That means that a leaf, which has no children, will end up with a height of 0.
What To Do
- You will modify the file named treeHeight.cpp. Put your function
definition where the comment tells you to do so.
- Compile your file into an executable named "treeHeight".
- There are three input files named input1.txt, input2.txt, and input3.txt.
You can test your program by using these files as input to your program.
- There is an executable named "solution" that you can use to see
the correct output. An example execution would be:
./solution < input1.txt
- You can run the "gradeall" script to see if your program passes
the test cases.
- Get a TA to check you off when your function correctly passes the
test cases.