ECE 652 Homework 16
Authored by Hasina Huq on 4/25/06.
Medici (data sheet)
Medici (ppt)
Please do the following in the /tmp directory and capture the results as you go.
Make a directory for this homework and copy these files:
mkdir yourname-652-hw16
cp /usr/cad/course/652-hw16.tar yourname-652-hw16
cd yourname-652-hw16
tar -xvf 652-hw16.tar
cd 652-hw16
source /usr/cad/.cshrc; synopsys_latest_tools
Note1: mdex1 describes the basic structure and profile.
medici mdex1
Capture all 4 plots.
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Note2: mdex2 includes a change in structure.
medici mdex2
Capture all 4 plots.
Note3: mdex3 includes a change in profile.
medici mdex3
Capture all 4 plots.
Discuss the results.