Requirements: Target Xilinx 1000 (Pilchard) using Mentor Graphics tools. Minimize I/O. Each player given an initial number of chips. Payoff for 21 and special payoff for "blackjack". Play 100 games until all players are out of chips or time limit reached. 1. Card-Generator: A. Fixed sequence to exercise 1-player capabilites and to have contest of player-i vs. house-player. B. Flat distribution of four decks of cards; reset when half empty. 2. Card-Counter: A. Verify flat distribution of all cards. B. Predict probabilities of next card based on what cards are visible. 3. House-Player: Fixed rules. Unlimited number of chips. 4. Controller: Establish communication protocol. State machine to play game. Keep status modes (who's playing, whose turn, etc). Compute stats/display results. 5. Player-i: Initially, same as House-Player but with chips. Then, with individual strategy w/o card counting. Then, " " " with " " Approach: 1. Controller causes Card-Generator fixed sequence to be applied to House-Player to verify proper operation. 2. Fixed sequence for House-Player vs. Duplicate of House-Player. 3. Fixed sequence for House-Player vs. Two duplicates of House-Player. 4. Verify Card-Generator distribution is flat. 5. Repeat 1-3 using Flat Distribution. 6. Replace third player with Player-i w/o card prediction. 7. Test probability predictor. 8. Replace third player with Player-i WITH card prediction. 9. Add n players one at a time w/o and with card prediction. 10.Run contests. Assignments: wakeland--House-Player baugher gabi choi hurley jjackson wjiang cjin karthik joseph xiang madhan kramani mccollum polisetty madhan stinson wala wang