Player Rules

Dr. Bouldin,

Here are some files that I threw together real quick.  I didn't have the time 
to really go over them because of a 503 test that I have to prepare for 
tomorrow.  I hope they help some with the flow of the game.  The player.txt 
file is a general description of the inputs needed by each player to play 
their game however they see fit.  The progress.txt is a file containing a 
general guideline to follow when playing the tournament.

Jeremy Jackson


Input for each player needed to make a decision

1.  number of betting players at table (reset each hand)

2.  position of your player

3.  number of chips your player has to start

4.  number of chips other players have throughout game

5.  your players cards

6.  sequence of cards played before yours (reset each hand)

7.  house player's shown card value

8.  whether your player won or lost (so you can keep up with 
	your own chips)

9.  optional - compressed card counter bin access

Output from each player

1.  bet value before cards dealt

2.  hit or stay

======= progress.txt:

Progression of events for tournament

1.  All players aligned in order around the playing table (number of 
	starting chips pre-determined before entry).

2.  All players must make a first bet of any value not to exceed their 
	chip total.  A non-zero bet determines player is in, a zero bet
	determines player is withdrawn from tournament and cannot return.

3.  Score keeper tallies total number of players and assigns a seat number
	to each player.

4.  Score keeper recognizes each player's bet and deducts from total chip
	count while also keeping that value known for itself in order to
	calculate correct payoff at end of hand.

5.  Card generator produces sequence of cards which are accessed solely by
	the controller and then distributed.

6.  Controller distributes one card to the house player face-down (not
	reported to card counter sequence for this hand, but reported to 
	the compressed card list).  Then each active player receives a card 
	face-up starting with the first player and continuing to the last.  
	The controller then distributes a second card face-up to each active
	player starting with the H.P. and continuing to the last player.
	The reason for distributing the cards this way is to make the card
	counter's job easier.

7.  While controller is passing out cards, the card counter should be
	recording all cards for the compressed list.  Also the card counter
	should be making a sequence of cards played this hand which will be
	available to the players for recent prediction strategies, neglecting
	the first card played which went to the H.P. face-down.  After each
	hand this sequence should be reset.

8.  Player one now has access to play their hand out based on their own
	built-in strategies either directing the controller to give him the
	next card in the random sequence (hit) or not (stay).

9.  Each player thereafter plays in the same manner as the first player.

10. The house-player should already know the value of its hand and play 
	according to its own rules.

11. Once the hand is played, all scores are reported by the controller to the
	score keeper who determines who won or lost the hand based on the 
	H.P.'s final score.

12. The score keeper then tallies the correct payoff for each player and 
	adjusts the number of chips accordingly.  This new chip score is
	then reported to all players who have to determine if their chips
	either increased or decreased signifying a win or loss, respectively.

13. Then each player is given the option based on everyone's current score
	to either withdraw from the game by placing a zero bet, or bet any
	amount of chips for the next hand, not to exceed their current

14. The score keeper then reads in all bets placed and deducts from each 
	player's chip count.  Also the score keeper reports to the controller
	which players have withdrawn or stayed.  (Maybe use an 'n' bit number
	where 'n' is the total number of players who started the game to 
	signify this.  If player one placed a non-zero bet, then bit one is
	set to a '1'.  If player two placed a zero bet, then bit two is set
	to a '0').

15. The controller uses this number of active players to deal the next hand
	out to the players.

16. Repeat from step 6 and continue.