01. 4 decks of cards are used for this game.

02. Play 100 hands or until all players are out.

03. In all the games the player competes only against the dealer, not other players. 

04. At first each player starts with 50 chips and House player with unlimited chips. 

05. The "card-generator" generates fixed sequence or random sequence of cards. 
	The "controller" controls the sequence generation.

06. All cards are dealt face up for the players. 

07. P1 (player at position 1) is always given the first card (face up) and then all 
	other players and the house player receive the first card (face up). 
	Then second card is given just like the first card except the house player 
	receives 2nd card face down. 

08. The goal of this game is to draw cards until your hand adds up to 21, 
	or comes as close as possible without going over 21 (called "bust"). 
	An ace can either be counted as 11 or 1, which depends on the players wish. 

09. "card-counter" displays the compressed list of remaining cards 
	 (also the last n number of  cards played). 

10. Players should bet 1 chip to play a hand. 

11. P1 starts playing first asking for "hit" or "stand" and then followed 
	by all other players. A player may "stand" -- play just the two cards 
	originally dealt or may "Hit"-- take another card. After being dealt an 	
	additional card, the player may stop or may take still another card. 
	A player may take as many cards as he 	or she wants, but as soon as 
	the player's total exceeds 21, the player loses.

12. Any player who got a total of 21 with his two cards given, he is a 
	"BLACKJACK" and he is not allowed to play that hand (since he already won).

13. After all players have drawn, the house player's remaining card is exposed. 
	Then house player asks for "hit" or "stand" and according to the final result, 
	the "Score-Keeper" decides the scores (win, loss).

14. If house player "busts" by going over 21, any players still in the game win. 
	Otherwise, players with totals higher than the dealer win, while players 
	with totals less than the dealer lose. In case of a tie, or "push" 	
	the player's bet is returned.

15. Player who won gets 2 chips, "blackjack" gets 3 chips, and "push" gets 1 chip. 

16. Scorekeeper keeps the statistics of the wins and the losses of each player 
	and finally it calculates rank  of each player. (How is the rank calculated??).