*********************************************** Static Timing Analysis using Synopsys PrimeTime *************General Algorithm***************** *********************************************** (a) PrimeTime can be invoked in the shell mode by typing pt_shell (b) Read the desing read_verilog (c) Link the design to the library link_desingn (d) Specify the clock for the design. The name should match the clock name specified in the design and during synthesis. create_clock -period -waveform { } {} (e) Primtime can be configured to output the critical paths in a text format. However, TetraMax (ATPG tool) requires the paths in a different format. So, a TCL procedure (write_delay_paths) has been supplied by TetraMax to produce the PrimeTime output in a TetraMax acceptible format. This has been defined in the file pt2tmax.tcl source /sw/Synopsys_2005.09/auxx/syn/tmax/pt2tmax.tcl (if you use synopsys_latest_tools) source /sw/synopsys/auxx/syn/tmax/pt2tmax.tcl (if you use synopsys_tools) (f) Output the critical paths write_delay_path -slack 15 -max_paths 100 -nworst 1 -clock .list // -slack : Writes paths with slacks less than . // -max_paths : Specifies the max number of paths to be written. // -nworst : Specifies number of paths to each end point, Default=1. // -clock : Limits paths to domain. // -IO : writes I/o paths. Defaultis to only write internal paths.