Report Requirements and Outline
- A typed project report using Word or LaTex is required.
- Times-Roman font is strongly encouraged. Font size should not be
less than 10 or greater than 12.
- One column
- Suggested outline
- Cover Page (1 page), including project title, course title/number, student
name, email.
- Abstract
- Introduction
- background (survey, related work)
- the objective of this project (motivation)
- summarize the achievement (contribution)
- Technical approach of your project (including description of
algorithms/methods you used in the project)
- Experiments and results
- Experiment design
- Result (output)
- Performance evaluation
- Discussion (work has done, lessons learned, work to do)
- Reference (Note: you are encouraged to search the Web or
whatever resources you can find. However,
you CANNOT just CUT&PASTE the whole paragraph from the web. That is categorized as
cheating. You either rewrite it using your own word and CITE it, or
you use it as a quote. For all the writings that you
didn't cite, the assumption is that they should be your own creativity)
- Appendix (usually computer code)