Project 4 - Image Restoration (100+20) (Due 10/14, extended to 10/17)
This project is to practice various geometric transformation, denoising and deblurring
techniques we have studied. Three tasks are assigned:
- Task 1 - Denoising using both spatial domain filters (mean filters and order-statistic
filters) and frequency domain filters (notch)
- spatial domain filters
- mean filters: arithmetic mean - amean(), geometric mean -
gmean(), contraharmonic mean - contrah()
- order statistics filters: adaptive median - amedian()
- frequency domain filters
- Task 2 - Deblurring using frequency domain filters
- inverse filter - invFilter(), Wiener filter - wiener()
- Task 3 - Standard geometric transformation
- Affine transformation: scale, shear, rotate, translate
- Perspective transformation (572)
- Task 1: Denoising with mean filters and order-statistic filters.
- Task 1.1: Take the angiogram
image and estimate the pdf of noise. Apply arithmatic mean, geometric
mean, and median filter with appropriate kernel size. Apply Sobel edge
detector on the original and the restored images and compare the
results. Add the implementation of amean(), gmean() to spatialFilter.cpp
- Task 1.2: Take
the wizardofoz
image. Apply contraharmonic, median, and adaptive median to
recover the impulse noise. Put contrah() and amedian() in spatialFilter.cpp
- Task 1.3: Take
the Florida satellite
image. Estimate its noise pattern. Try to remove the noise in both the
spatial and the frequency domain. In the frequency domain, apply
notch-reject filter to remove the noise. Add the implementation of
notch filters in freqFilter.cpp
- Task 2: Deblurring.
- Task 2.1: Use Lena as the testing image. First blur it with a 3x3
Gaussian kernel. Then add SAP noise with probability equals to
0.25. The resulting image (g) will be used for testing purpose. First
apply adaptive median to remove the noise. Then apply inverse filter
and wiener filter to remove blur. Compare the results from inverse and
wiener filter using both MSE and PSNR. Add the implementation of
invFilter() and wiener() to deblur.cpp
- Task 2.2 (572 only): Restore the angiogram testing image. Keep in
mind that you need to perform both denosing and deblurring with the
appropriate estimate of blur and noise.
- Task 3: Study the fundamental transformations
- Task 3.1: Implement the four affine transformation functions (rotation,
translation, shear, scaling) and perspective transformation (572 only)
using the
inverse transform. Write all five functions in one file and name it
transform.cpp (this should go to the 'lib' directory)
- Task 3.2: Use the "clock" as testing image. Apply a composite transformation in the
following sequence to test the functions implemented in 'transform.cpp'. Name this function 'testTransform.cpp'. Do this in two ways, sequential and composite.
- shrink by 2
- translation, to the center of the image
- shear, in the horizontal direction by 2
- rotation, clockwise by 30 degree
- perspective transformation (572 only)
- Bonus (+10/+10): Implement the adaptive local noise
reduction filter and compare it with the adaptive median filter. Use
Lena as the testing image. Add SAP noise with probability 0.1 and
0.25. Compare the result using PSNR.
- Bonus (+10/+10): Implement the geometric
transformation using polynomial
approximation. Use the image taken from space shuttle, space.pgm, for testing
What to turn in
- a tar file or a zip file with the following items:
- spatialFilter.cpp with added functions from amean(), gmean(),
amedian(), contrah()
- freqFilter.cpp with added function from notch()
- deblur.cpp with functions from invFilter(), wiener()
- transform.cpp with four affine transformations and 1 perspective transformation
- testing codes
- Makefiles
- (3) Completeness of the above listed files
- a pdf file with the written report that includes the following
- (40 pt) Task 1 (in the following requirements, the comments
take 30%, and the correctness of the implementation judged by
the results and coding takes 70%)
- (2/2) Show the histogram you used to estimate the noise model in angiogram
- (10/10) Show results from amean, gmean, and median and comment on
the results (which filter is more suitable for what kind of
- (3/3) Show the edge images generated from both the noisy image and
the restored image. Comment on the results.
- (15/15) Show results from contrah, median and amedian on the
wizardofoz image. Comment on the result images. Again, which
filter is more suitable for what kind of noise. Show results of
applying contrah with Q being both negative and positive values.
- (10/10) Show the frequency response to Florida satellite. Show the
noise image in the spatial domain. Also show the resulting
image. Provide the parameters used in the notch filter.
- (40 pt) Task 2
- (5/1) Show the original lena, the blurred version, and the
blurred+noise version (g).
- (5/4) Show results after applying
amedian. You should probably try different Smax.
- (20/15) Show results after applying invFilter and
wiener. Provide parameters used in the functions. Comment on the
differences between invFilter and wiener. Or why would invFilter
fail the task?
- (10/10) Provide MSE and PSNR comparison with different choices of
Smax and invFilter, and different choices of wiener filter
- (0/10) Repeat the same on the angiogram image
- (20 pt) Task 3
- (5/5) an explanation of difference between affine transform and
perspective transform
- (5/5) an explanation of difference between inverse and forward
- (10/10) Show the composite matrix. Show results generated from Task 3.2 using composite and intermediate results from sequential. Compare the results and comment on performance.