CS360 Lecture notes -- Logfiles and more on I/O

  • Jim Plank
  • Directory: /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Logfile
  • Lecture notes: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/classes/cs360/360/notes/Logfile/lecture.html
    This lecture covers more various aspects of file i/o. It finishes chapter 3 in the book.

    Writing log files

    Try the following command on your machine:
    UNIX> last | head -60
    You'll see that it prints out the 60 most recent logins to your machine. This is a good example of the use of a "log file." What happens is that the system program responsible for letting users log into a system appends the login time, and the logout time to the file "/var/adm/wtmp". The "last" program reads "/var/adm/wtmp" and prints it to the screen an a readable form.

    Now, suppose we wanted to write a program to append to a log. For example, suppose I wanted to log whenever someone used my fill program (do you remember the fill program from CS302? If not, fill is just a simple program that is used to justify text). The first thing I'd do is write a procedure something like the one below, and then put a call to it in my fill program.

    (This is in logfill1.c, which is a program that simply makes a call to write_to_fill_log).

    #define LOG_FILE "/blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Logfile/fill_log_file"
      char *username;
      long t;
      FILE *f;
      username = getenv("USER");
      t = time(0);
      f = fopen(LOG_FILE, "a");
      /* error check */
      fprintf(f, "%s %ld\n", username, t);
    As before, feel free to copy all the .c files and the makefile to a directory of your own, and compile and run them. Here, go ahead and run logfill1. Then check the file /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Logfile/fill_log_file and see if indeed your log entry is there. Read the manual page for time (man -s 2 time) to see what the time number is. You can do this multiple times. I don't care.

    Now, this seems to work fine, but the question arises -- what happens if two people in different processes call write_to_fill_log() simultaneously? Specifically, what happens if one process gets switched off the CPU by the operating system just after the call to fopen(), and another process runs and calls write_to_fill_log()? You can get the answer in chapter 3 of the book -- what happens is that both processes see the same value for the end of file, and thus will both write to the same location in the file. This may well corrupt the log file. You might say "so, how many times are two people going to be calling write_to_fill_log() simultaneously? Should I really care about this?" The answer is maybe. If you think the chances that two people will call this routine simultaneously are sufficiently negligible, then don't worry about it. However, if these chances are non-trivial (as for the "last" routine above), then you have to do something about it.

    The way you can deal with this problem is via the flag O_SYNC in the open() system call. Read the man page for a full description. The working code for write_to_fill_log() is in logfill2.c, and the log file is /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Logfile/fill_log_file2. Again, try it out and see if your entry is in the log file.

    #include < fcntl.h >
    #include < stdio.h >
    #include < stdlib.h >
    #define LOG_FILE "/blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Logfile/fill_log_file2"
      char *username;
      long t;
      int fd;
      char s[100];
      username = getenv("USER");
      t = time(0);
      fd = open(LOG_FILE, O_APPEND | O_SYNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);
      if (fd < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't write log file %s\n", LOG_FILE);
      sprintf(s, "%s %ld\n", username, t); 
      write(fd, s, strlen(s));

    Atomic Actions

    An atomic action is a sequence of actions that gets executed as a whole, uninterrupted by the CPU. They are important in systems programming as they can make guarantees that would be impossible to make otherwise.

    Two good examples of atomic actions are :

    In other parts of this class (and in other parts of computer science, especially parallel processing and databases), you will hear the term ``executing x atomically.'' That means, as described here, that x must be executed without interruption. Note that you can't make up your own atomic actions. In other words, you can't specify to the operating system that some block of code be executed atomically. Instead, there are some atomic actions (like the ones described above) that the operating system has implemented for you. In other courses (e.g. databases, operating systems, and maybe later in this class if we get to threads), you'll be able to define your own atomic actions.

    Section 3.11 of the book covers atomic actions as well. Please give it a reading.


    Read chapter 4.8, and the umask man page (say "man -s 2 umask"):
         umask() sets the process's file creation mask  to  mask  and
         returns  the  previous  value  of the mask.  The low-order 9
         bits of mask are used whenever a file is  created,  clearing
         corresponding  bits  in  the  file access permissions.  (see
         stat(2V)).  This clearing restricts the default access to  a
         The mask is inherited by child processes.
    When you call umask from a program, or from the shell, it changes the "File creation mask". This mask consists of 9 bits. Whenever a file is created, for example by open(), creat(), or mkdir(), and a mode m is specified, then the file is created with the mode:
    (m & ~umask)
    Umask the system call returns the old umask value.

    For example, look at the following program ( um1.c ):

         int i;
         int old_mask;
         old_mask = umask(0);
         i = open("f1", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
         printf("created f1: 0666\n");
         i = open("f2", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0200);
         printf("created f2: 0200\n");
         i = open("f3", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666);
         printf("created f3: %o\n", 0666 & ~022 & 0777);
         i = open("f4", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0777);
         printf("created f4: %o\n", 0777 & ~022 & 0777);
         i = open("f5", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0200);
         printf("created f5: %o\n", 0200 & ~022 & 0777);
    UNIX> um1 created f1: 0666 created f2: 0200 created f3: 644 created f4: 755 created f5: 200 UNIX> ls -l f? -rw-rw-rw- 1 plank 0 Sep 28 15:05 f1 --w------- 1 plank 0 Sep 28 15:05 f2 -rw-r--r-- 1 plank 0 Sep 28 15:05 f3 -rwxr-xr-x 1 plank 0 Sep 28 15:05 f4 --w------- 1 plank 0 Sep 28 15:05 f5 UNIX>
    The umask value is set per process, not per user. So, if your shell's umask is 022, and you have a program set it to 0, then that does not affect the shell:
       UNIX> cat um2.c
       UNIX> umask
       UNIX> um2
       UNIX> umask

    Random File/Inode System calls.

     - chmod(char *path, mode_t mode)  -- Works just like chmod when executed from
                the shell.  E.g.   chmod("f1", 0600)  will set the protection of
                file f1 to be rw- for you, and --- for everyone else.
                Read section 4.9 for a more thorough description, including 
                use of the mode bits like S_IRUSR, etc.
     - chown() -- ignore.
     - link, unlink, remove, rename:  Section 4.15 of the book
       pretty straightforward:  link(char *f1, char *f2) works just like
               UNIX> ln f1 f2
          f2 has to be a filename though, and cannot be a directory.
       unlink(char *f1) works like
               UNIX> rm f1
       remove(char *f1) works like unlink, but it also works for (empty) 
                        directories.  unlink fails on directories.
       rename(char *f1, char *f2) works just like
               UNIX> mv f1 f2
     - symlink and readlink:  Read chapter 4.17.  These routines mess with
              symbolic links.
     - utime:  Read chapter 4.19.  These routines let you change the time
               fields of a file's inode.  This system call looks like it should
               be illegal (for example, one could write a program to make it look
               like one has finished his homework on time...), but it is very 
               handy, especially for writing tar (and jtar).
     - mkdir and rmdir:  Again straightforward, and like
               UNIX> mkdir ...
               UNIX> rmdir ...
               Read chapter 4.20
     - chdir, getcwd:  Like 
               UNIX> cd ..
               UNIX> pwd
               Read chapter 4.22.  You will not need these for jtar, but can use
               them if you'd like.