CS360 -- Systems Programming

Jian Huang --- Fall 2022


See CS360 Lab Home Page for information from your TA's about labs. The source tree example is under the class directory: /home/huangj/cs360/hello.tar.gz.

All labs are due by midnight (11:59PM) on the due date. No exceptions can be made, unless an extension was given via the class mailing list or compelling reasons such as significant illness exist. Late submissions incur 10% penalty per day.

All lab assignments must be completed to a degree deserving more than 60% credit, be it a late submission or not, for a student to pass this course. If a student fails to meet this requirement by the time final exam is held, the student automatically fails this course.

Every student is allowed one late lab submission during the entire semester. This is meant for situations out of your control but do not qualify for exceptions. Use it wisely!

Lab 1 -- Fields/dlist/rbtree primer Due: September 7
Lab 2 -- Buffering Due: September 15
Lab 3 -- Fakemake Due: September 28
Lab 4 -- Jtar Due: October 12
Lab 5 -- Assembler Not required in Fall 2022. The link kept alive for reference.
Lab 6 -- Jmalloc Due: November 2
Lab 7 -- Jsh (Part1 & Part2) Due: November 9
Lab 8 -- Jsh (Part3) Due: November 23
Final Project -- Threads Due: December 14

You will use git as the version control tool for all lab assignments. TAs will grade only lab assignments committed into git. Emailed source code will not be graded.

Git is an industry standard way of maintaining source code and using it allows a much more professional way of software development, testing and documentation. During the first lab session, the TAs will run a tutorial of git, particularly how it will be used this semester. If you cannot attend that lab session, you would be required to learn to use git on your own.