CS361: Operating System

Jian Huang — Spring 2012

EECS | University of Tennessee - Knoxville

David Anderson - ComputerWorld 1976

Insurance Companies Indicted for Data Theft

56 Insurance companies acquired data illegally

Medical records “some computerized”

Several attorneys and private investigators indicted

Charged with conspiracy, impersonation, theft of trade secrets

IBM adds 3/15D, Nine Models of System 32

Designed to meet on-line and remote processing needs

Industry Application Programs

Aimed at the medical field

To upgrade to the 15D, users had to recompile all programs

15D was first to have a 3rd Partition

Run programs on 2 partitions and develop on 3rd

Improved File sharing between Partitions

Allowed Task to start other task without ‘Operator Intervention’

Text editing system stolen

Betram Seidlitz

Guilty of accessing OSI system via Texas Instruments terminal

Got 18 of 21 modules of a text editing system

“I did not read it or write it down and, when I had it all, I was going to take it to OSI in one bundle and show what I’d done”

New Software Stuff

“Data Errors Can and Must be Controlled”

“Structured System Design More Vital Than Language

New Computer Stuff

Larger disk Drive

IBM 'continues to be good'

Basic Timesharing expected to double

Mass Memory Mart predicts worth of 2 billion in 1980

Distributed Data entry with Task/Master

no price mentioned

basically sql database validation

Problem-Specific privacy laws seen needed by private sector

“Congress should concentrate on lows that address specific privacy problems rather than on omnibus privacy law for private sector

Congress currently pushing for law that restricts business to collect only “relevant data”

“How can a member of the government know what is relevant to each of the diverse companies?”

Terminals for sale

prices range from $975 to $2725

Users Urged to recognize full scope of data security

Data is important


Man/Machine interface utilizes human brain waves

People moved virtual item through maze via brain waves

Not thought controlled

Brain gives off signals when it thinks certain thoughts, machine mapped signals to desired actions

Miniterm 1203 for sale

knockout features

Only 15 pounds

Rugged Design can really take it

Three Speeds 10, 15, and 30 characters per second selectable

Brazilian Firm THreatens to Sue Cincom

Sistemas de Informacao S/C Ltd said license wasn’t expired

Cincom said it was

At the time just a threat, no amount mentioned

Position Announcements

Software Design $23-27 M

Systems Analysis $17-21 M

Program Analysis $ $18-21 M

System Analysis $2400 Y (the highest)

Average looks like 16-19 thousand a year

Jian Huang / EECS /UTK / revised 01/2012