CS361: Operating System
Denis Tsurkan - ComputerWorld 1997
- Upcoming Win 96 interace combines OS and Browser. <- Web View
- Windows NT 4.0 patch causes more issues than it fixes (Jan. 13 1997)
- Rogue activeX components (Feb. 24 1997)
- Microsoft pushes for 32-bit (Mar. 10 1997)
- Telnet vulnurability at port 135 (Mar. 10 1997)
- Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 has glitches (May. 26 1997)
- Microsoft J++ against the spirit of Java (Jan. 13 1997)
- NASA uses Java applet to distribute pictures of Mars surface (Jul. 14 1997)
- Running ads on the intranets (Jan. 27 1997)
- US Robotics to ship first 56k modem for $200-250, where as Motorola will sell theirs for $159-199
- Plans for wireless internet (Apr. 7 1997)
- Monitoring tools track employee internet activity (Apr. 7 1997)
- Infoseek to use targetted ads (Jun. 2 1997)
- UPS strike boosts the use of e-mail. (Aug. 25 1997)
- There is also a lawsuit pending on US Robotics for pattent infringement (Mar. 3 1997)
- Licencing agreement law to limit the liability of the developer (Mar. 12 1997)
- U.S. Internet inc. owes more than $100,000 in unpaid taxes (Jun. 16 1997)
- Federal injuction ordering microsoft to stop requiring IE to be bundled with Windows (Dec. 15 1997)
- NASA uses server clustering and Distributed File Systems (Mar. 3 1997)
- Wal-Mart using data mining to optimize their inventory (May. 26 1997)
- 56-bit digital encoding scheme cracked by brute force (Jun. 23 1997)
- Outsourcing year 2000 fixes (Jan. 20 1997)
- Network administrator director/manager starting 61,000/51,000
Stocks Feb. 10 1997, pg 99 - Apr. 23 2012, market close
- Cisco $62.00 - $19.68
- AOL $36 - $24.75
- Yahoo $30.63 - $15.33
- Digital $35.13 - N/A
- Intel $155.13 - $27.45
- Motorola $65.75 - $48.59
- Texas Instruments $79 - $31.89
- Apple $16.00 - $571.70
- Microsoft $98.63 - $32.12
Jian Huang / EECS /UTK / revised 02/2012