Networked Games
Jian Huang
--- Fall, 2009
Lecture Notes
- our killer app
Fundamentals of Game Design
Design Patterns
- version control
Modeling the World
: Geometry and Texture
Game Engine
Ogre Design Overview
Graph Theory for Designers
Object Sharing
Ogre Scene Management
C++ Part 1
, Recap
C++ Part 2
, Exception Handling, STL, etc.
Dynamic Object Sharing
Automated Testing
The Command Pattern
AI for Networked Games
, Guest Lecture by
Dr. Parker
Time and Event Synchronization
Scalability and Performance, architectural design
OGRE Materials
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Ogre Render Targets and Animation
Server Cluster Architecture and Distributed Services
Scalability and Performance, a view of resource management
Ogre Resource Management
No Cheating (Anti-Cheat)