Gryphons II -- Hand writeup -- January 12, 2002 Jim Plank & Kevin Wilson It's been a while, but I finally have some downtime. Here's a defensive problem (which will be turned into a declarer play problem), from last thursday's game. You are east, holding. S QJTxx H x D Kxxx C Axx The bidding goes as follows: LHO Pard RHO You 1H P 1N P 2H P 3H P 4H Was anyone else thinking about bidding 2S over 1N? Kevin: No. What if my left hand enemy was about to reverse into 2S? If I'm going to bid spades, it will be after it goes 2-something and comes back to me. Anyway, pard leads the 9S, and here's what you're looking at: S Ax H xxx D AQJ C T9xxx S QJTxx H x D Kxxx C Axx Declarer takes the SA, leads a heart to the ace and plays a diamond to the queen. First, do you take your king? Kevin: Yes, that diamond might be a singleton or doubleton. I have to have some fast fiendishly intelligent reason and plan to duck my tricks. Nothing comes to mind quickly here. A quick example would be the same bidding sequence and my having Kxxxxx of D and partner playing a spot card such that I KNEW he has a doubleton. This fiendish plan would be to give him a ruff after I cash my Club A. Maybe it will be worth an uppercut. Suppose you do (go up with the king). Now what's your return? Kevin: Well... with my partners the spade nine would suggest that partner has a doubleton spade. That would make declarer 4-6-?-?. He already used his entry to dummy (the spade A) so I don't doubt he has 1 diamond and 2 clubs. The club is likely stiff so I cash the A. I'd hate to lose to a stiff K. the only scenario that I lose with this strategy is when declarer has specifically the KJ doubleton. Then I could lead low and put him to the guess. All four hands: S Ax H xxx D AQJ C T9xxx S 9xx S QJTxx H Qxx H x D xxxx D Kxxx C Kxx C Axx S Kxx H AKJT9x D xx C QJ You need to lead a club to set the contract, and I think the clues are there. Why isn't declarer drawing trumps or ruffing spades? The answer is that declarer must have spades under control, and needs to set up a pitch. From pard's lead, declarer probably has Kxxx or Kxx of spades, more likely the latter since he didn't draw a second round of trumps. So returning a spade isn't right. Since declarer wants to pitch something on diamonds, it must be clubs. I think there's a good argument for ducking the king of diamonds. Declarer will likely cross to a spade and repeat the finesse, and then the club switch is easier to find. Of course, declarer could instead secure the contract -- heart, spade king, spade ruff, diamond, concede three tricks, but declarer may get greedy and repeat the diamond finesse instead. Onto the declarer play. Is that declarer's best play? 4H should always go down given perfect defense, but declarer needs to make life as difficulat as possible for the defenders. I was sitting south and found the worst play -- spade ace, two hearts, spade king, ruff, club to the queen, and of course east (Barbara Hemmeter) found the killing diamond switch. I was hoping that either east would have the king of diamonds, or that west would take the first club. Not so. I believe there's a second line that may also be effective. Win the SA and instantly lead a club to the queen. East must find the diamond switch, and west has to cash the ace of clubs instantly to set the contract, and both may not find the play, especially since they may be wondering why I have not drawn trump. Kevin -- what's your line? Oh -- if they don't return a diamond, I'll lead a second club. If that's ducked, I'll cash the AK of hearts, SK and ruff a spade then play the TC, throwing my losing diamond. Making 4. If they go up with the CA, I pretty much do the same thing. I don't believe I have entry problems. Kevin: I would win the Spade A and then play a heart to the A, and then take the diamond finesse. I expect most people to get to game and this gives me the most chance to take an overtrick. If I got the opportunity to take a second diamond finesse I would have to think about it. I know that my RHO knows I have short diamonds and he/she might think they are being tricky keeping from a second diamond trick. Depends on how I feel at the the table. At imps, I'd take my 10 tricks and hope they didn't bid game at the other table. The way I envision the defense is as follows: My partner leads a low spade from three little (unless they raised a suit that I bid, then high from xxx is OK). I play the Q under the A so partner knows I don't have the K but have the JT. Declarer plays a heart to the A and then a diamond, which I win. I cash the A of clubs and partner gives me attitude about whether to try and cash a second spade or lead another club. I play another club and we eventually get a heart for down 1. Are there ways to be tricky as declarer? Sure, but if you're not looking at a hand record then why play for everything to be against you when good opportunities are present. If you want the RHO to win the club or at least create some potential confusion in the club suit then lead the T off the dummy. The uninterested defenders will not play you for QJ tight and may continue the suit because of the strangeness of the prior trick. If you want your right hand opponent to win a C trick then you should lead the J and not the Q out of your hand. On this hand it seems so obvious whats going on that I doubt leading the J would work. Bottom line: I'd go down unless they got crafty or stupid against me. On defense, I see no problems setting the contract once a spade is led. Nice lead partner, but a diamond would have ended the contract faster. The scores: 3 pairs (Joan Kaems/Alan Smuckler, Jeremy Fournier/Ted, Jim Ridley/Robin) bid and made their game 1 pair didn't bid game and made four 2 pairs (Barbara/Mac, Cindy Siegel/Bill Waters) set the game