S T43 H 72 D T63 C KT964And the bidding goes:
LHO You RHO Pard 2C P 2H P 2S P 4N P 5D X 6S P P PPartner's double has made your lead easy -- you lead a low diamond (you don't have an honor, but you are showing count). Dummy tables:
S 2 H AT984 D 872 C QJ75 S T43 H 72 D T63 C KT964Low, ace, low. Partner returns the DQ, king, six, seven. Now declarer leads three high spades, and on the second spade, partner plays the three of clubs. Dummy sheds a heart. On the third spade, partner discards the eight of clubs, and dummy a club.
So declarer started with eight spades, and is now going to continue running them. You have to figure out:
What do you know so far? Declarer started with eight spades, either the stiff ace of clubs or ace little (with partner's pitches, there are only two clubs unseesn), and at least two diamonds to the king. Partner has the jack. If declarer has Kx of hearts, the hand is over (8 spades, 1 club, 1 diamond, 2 hearts), so for you to set this hand, either partner must have the king, or declarer has the stiff king, and doesn't have an entry to the board to cash his ace.
In either case, are there any dangers? You have clubs under control, and partner has diamonds, and (hopefully) hearts under control. Can he squeeze either one of you? Yes! He can squeeze partner in hearts and diamonds. Look at a potential starting position:
S 8 H KQJ65 D AQJx C 832 S 2 S AKQJ9765 H AT984 H 3 D 872 D K9x C QJ75 C A S T43 H 72 D T63 C KT964If declarer runs spades and cashes the ace of clubs, partner will have to pitch all of his diamonds to guard the king of hearts. That will make declarer's nine of diamonds good.
The stiff king of hearts is immaterial. If you couldn't hold diamonds then any position would include a classic double squeeze. With 3 cards to go dummy will hold Ax of hearts and a club, declarer 1 spade, 1 heart, and 1 diamond. When he cashes the last spade you will have to throw a heart, dummy a club and then your partner would be squeezed in diamonds and hearts.
Therefore, you need to:
So -- we're currently here:
S - H AT98- D 8-- C QJ7- S --- H 72 D T-- C KT964Declarer runs five more spades, and your pitches should be:
Suit preference. I can stop diamonds so I should play low high in clubs (the outstand suits for the suit preference are diamonds=LOW & hearts=HIGH) on discards #2 & #3. This is advanced but worth pointing out. If partner knows they are not going to be squeezed, great. But if you can tell him that there is a legimate squeeze position then maybe he can discard in an order to make declarer misguess the actual position.
Here's the position now:
S - H J5--- D --J8 C --- S - S -------5 H AT--- H K D --- D 9 C QJ-- C A S --- H -- D T-- C KT--4Declarer now cashes the CA, and partner pitches the D8. Finally, declarer cashes the S5. You play the CT, dummy the CQ, and now it's time for partner's crucial play. Fortunately, partner knows that you've held onto a diamond for some reason, so now partner should shed the DJ, and the hand is over. Declarer will overtake the HK with the ace and it's down one.
Note, although you didn't take a trick, your play was crucial to setting this hand, because you:
Amazingly, if you didn't have the DT, declarer will make it. Maybe in that case, partner will find the brilliant heart switch at trick two......
In the Maryville game, the cards were easier for the defense (you held the QJx of diamonds, and partner ATxx), but still two declarers out of thirteen made six.