In Class Problem #2
This was question 4 from the CS140 midterm in Fall, 2019.
Below left, I have 17 names, and what each name hashes to with two different hash
functions, H1 and H2. The hash values are given in hexadecimal.
Below right, I have a hash table that has been filled in with some of these names.
Name H1 H2
--------------------- ------ ------
Aidan Nepal 9bc6cc 42757b
Alexander Aeronautic 4345ae 93249d
Austin Prissy 20b849 8c1ef7
Charlie Maiden 0d6fc1 e5855d
Claire Tva fe30bf 8124af
Gavin Parallelepiped 0e9b65 db8914
Hunter Fabric b112a2 78d98d
Isabelle Stack 4c30e6 f7193f
Joshua Polonium 831e15 eeba38
Madison Willoughby 1874dc 911d61
Max Mere fc7e5b 8d1814
Maya Paddy 107b1e 5e84ff
Natalie Sober ? ?
Noah Porous ae3e75 2dbc99
Riley Predecessor f001c1 385e34
Savannah Tradesman a3d7ee ab7176
Sophia Keys 69147a 493120
| |
0. --------------------
1. Charlie Maiden
2. Hunter Fabric
3. --------------------
4. --------------------
5. Gavin Parallelepiped
6. Isabella Stack
7. --------------------
8. --------------------
9. --------------------
10. Sophia Keys
11. Max Mere
12. Aiden Nepal
13. Madison Willoughby
14. Savannah Tradesman
15. Claire Tva
Please answer the questions below. Do not answer the questions as if one affects
the other. Answer them all with respect to the tables above. For example, you
should not answer part C as if Austin Prissy were inserted into the table.
Instead, you simply answer with respect to the table above.
In all of the questions, assume that hash function H1 is used to insert into the table,
and if double-hashing is used, then hash function H2 is used as the second hash function.
For Class. First, do parts A, B and E, and we'll go over the answers:
A. What is the load factor of the table (you can give a fraction here)?
B. Into which index will Austin Prissy go into the table, using linear probing?
E. Into which index will Noah Porous go into the table, using linear probing?
Next, do parts C and F:
C. Into which index will Joshua Polonium go into the table, using quadratic probing?
F. Into which index will Alexander Aeronautic go into the table, using quadratic probing?
Finally, do the remaining parts:
D. Into which index will Maya Paddy go into the table, using double hashing?
G. Into which index will Riley Predecessor go into the table, using double hashing?
H. When using double hashing, Natalie Sober cannot be entered into the table. Give me values of H1 ahd H2 that will make this happen.
I. How do we know that Madison Willoughby was inserted into the table after Aiden Nepal?