CS140 -- Midterm Exam

  • October 9, 1998
  • Jim Plank

  • Files

    General Comments

    In general, I was satisfied with the exam. Although it may have put you into a slight panic, there was enough time to at least answer each question competently.

    I suggest that you go over all of the files above. In particular, if you missed any points on a question, you should look at the correct answer.

    Look at the histogram files above, and the plots below to get a sense of how you did in comparison to the rest of the class.

    Assigning Grades

    In assigning grades, I first like to set the basic competence level. I expected everyone to be able to do the following: That makes 51 points, which I will set as the B level. If you are below this, or if you missed any of the above points, you should review the material that you missed.

    With that in mind, here are the letter grades that I would assign to the test scores:

    General Data

    Exam Score Histogram

    Tukey Plots

    Tukey plots are kind of wierd, but give you a good deal of information in a small amount of space. The way they go is: