CS140 -- Final Exam: Answer Sheet, page 3

Name: __________________________ User Name: _________________________

Circle the correct answer:

Question 9: a b c d e
Question 10: a b c d e
Question 11: a b c d e
Question 12: a b c d e
Question 13: a b c d e
Question 14: a b c d e
Question 15: a b c d e
Question 16: a b c d e
Question 17: a b c d e
Question 18: a b c d e
Question 19: a b c d e
Question 20: a b c d e
Question 21: a b c d e f g
Question 22: a b c d e f g

Circle all that are correct:

Question 23: a b c d e f g

Question 24: Question 25:
int nnodes(BstreeNode *b) {
