CS140 -- Final Exam: Answers

  • May 10, 1999
  • Jim Plank
  • Directory: ~jplank/cs140/Tests/1999-Spring/final
  • This file: http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank/plank/classes/cs140/Tests/1999-Spring/final/answers.html

  • Question 1:

    a, d, e and f are all valid binary search trees. b is not since 10 is 4's left child and is greater than 4, and c is not for the same reason.

    Question 2:

    a is an AVL tree because it is completely balanced. e is also an AVL tree. b and c are not because they are not binary search trees. d and f are both imbalanced around the root node.

    Question 3:

    c is the only heap. It is a complete tree where each node is less than its children. B looks like a heap since each node is less than its children, but it is not a complete tree (or even complete down to the last level). F also looks like a heap where each node is greater than its children, but it too is not a complete tree down to the last level.

    Question 4:

    You will insert 64 as the right child of 59, and then splay it to the top. This will require three rotations.

    Question 5:

    First, you insert 64 in the right place, which is as the right child of node 59:

    Then you perform a zig-zag (double rotation) on node 64:

    Now, node 64 is one level from the top. Do a single rotation to make it the root. This is the answer:

    Question 6

    First, you insert 99 as the right child of 92.

    Now, this creates an imbalance at node 44 due to a zig-zig. Therefore, you perform a single rotation about node 76 to yield the answer:

    Question 7

    First, you insert 64 as the right child of 59.

    Now, this creates an imbalance at node 44 due to a zig-zag. Therefore, you perform a double rotation about node 59 to yield the answer:

    Question 8:

    Therefore, only (c) is O(log(n)).

    Question 9:

    Both b and c are O(n). Remember, if a function is O(f(n)) and g(n) > f(n), then the function is also O(g(n)).

    Question 10:

    b, c, and d are all O(n*log(n)).

    Question 11:

    All the functions are O(n*n).

    Question 12:

    Only b is Theta(n).

    Question 13:

    a, e and f are Omega(n*n).

    Question 14:

    There are four steps to writing this code: Here's the code:
    void insert_node(Bstree *tree, char *key, Jval v)
      BstreeNode *newnode, *tmp;
      /* Allocating storage for a new node. */
      newnode = (BstreeNode *) malloc(sizeof(BstreeNode));
      /* Initializing the new node */
      newnode->key = key;   /* you don't have to strdup, but I didn't take off 
                               for it */
      newnode->val = v;     /* Not new_jval_v(v).  V is already a jval */
      newnode->left = NULL;
      newnode->right = NULL;
      /* If the tree is empty, make this node the root */
      if (tree->root == NULL) {
        tree->root = newnode;
      /* Otherwise, find where it should go and insert it */
      tmp = tree->root;
      while(1) {
        if (strcmp(tmp->key, key) > 0) {
          if (tmp->left == NULL) {  
            tmp->left = newnode;
          tmp = tmp->left;
        } else {
          if (tmp->right == NULL) {  
            tmp->right = newnode;
          tmp = tmp->right;
    Note, you can't make insert_node() recursive, because it takes a Bstree as its argument, and not a BstreeNode. A recursive solution is possible by writing a recursive function called by insert_node(). The while() loop is much easier.

    Question 15:

    Question 16:

    Given these inputs, h eventually gets a value of 10, and table[10] is unknown. Therefore, the answer is p (undetermined). We could be dumping core, or returning some number bigger than 10.

    Question 17:

    This works fine, and returns -1. The answer is q.

    Question 18:

    j will started out as 8. Since ``(j == key)'', it will return table[j], which is 88. The answer is n.

    Question 19:

    Again, j will start out as 8. hash(table[8], tsize) equals 8, as does h. Therefore the procedure will return 8. The answer is i.