CS140 Midterm Exam - October 5, 2004 - Page 7
Relevant things from fields.h, dllist.h, queue.h, stack.h
typedef struct inputstruct {
char *name; /* File name */
FILE *f; /* File descriptor */
int line; /* Line number */
char text1[MAXLEN]; /* The line */
int NF; /* Number of fields */
char *fields[MAXFIELDS]; /* Pointers to fields */
} *IS;
extern IS new_inputstruct(/* FILENAME -- NULL for stdin */);
extern int get_line(/* IS */); /* returns NF, or -1 on EOF. Does not
close the file */
typedef struct dllist {
struct dllist *flink;
struct dllist *blink;
Jval val;
} *Dllist;
extern Dllist new_dllist();
extern void free_dllist(Dllist);
extern void dll_append(Dllist, Jval);
extern void dll_prepend(Dllist, Jval);
extern void dll_insert_b(Dllist, Jval);
extern void dll_insert_a(Dllist, Jval);
extern void dll_delete_node(Dllist);
extern int dll_empty(Dllist);
typedef void *Stack;
Stack new_stack(); /* Create an empty stack */
void stack_push(Stack s, Jval jv); /* Push an element onto the stack */
Jval stack_pop(Stack s); /* Pop an element off the stack. Will exit with an error
if the stack is empty */
int stack_empty(Stack s); /* This is a boolean function that returns 1
if there are no elements on the stack,
and 0 if there are elements on the stack. */
typedef void *Queue;
Queue new_queue(); /* Create an empty queue */
void queue_enqueue(Queue q, Jval jv);
Jval queue_dequeue(Queue q);
int queue_empty(Queue q); /* This is a boolean function that returns 1
if there are no elements on the queue,
and 0 if there are elements on the queue. */
typedef union {
int i;
long l;
char *s;
} Jval;
extern Jval new_jval_s(char *);