CS140 Midterm Exam - October 4, 2007 - Answers & Grading

James S. Plank

Question 1 - 10 points

Part 1: The program is in pex.c.

Argv[1] is "Curious-George". The first thing I'd do is put each letter over its array index:


Ok, now s and argv[1] are the same: 0xbfffedd8. V will be a pointer to the first occurrence of 'G', which is 8 characters past s: 0xbfffede0. That 'G' is turned into a 'g', and then we move v forward 5 characters to 0xbfffede5, which is a pointer to the final 'e'. That gets changed to an 'i'.

Since u was created with strdup(), it has a copy of "Curious-George", which is unaffected by v. The strstr() statement will return a pointer to the "ge" in u, which starts at the 12th character from the beginning of u. Thus, the strstr() returns 0x3000fc.

Here's the output:

UNIX> pex Curious-George Prince-George Eddie-George
0xbfffedd8 0x3000f0
argc: 4
argv[1]: 0xbfffedd8 Curious-georgi
s: 0xbfffedd8 Curious-georgi
u: 0x3000f0 Curious-George
v: 0xbfffede5 i
strstr: 0x3000fc ge

Part 2: One problem is that argc is not checked -- if you call pex will no arguments, the strchr() statement will probably generate a seg fault or bus error.

The second problem is if argv[1] contains a 'G' within five characters of the end of the string -- then the "*v = 'i'; statement will stomp over memory that is not part of the string.


Each line was worth 1 point, and there was partial credit given. Part 2 was worth four points, two for each answer. The answers had to be distinct.

Histogram of scores for Question 1

Question 2 - 10 points

The first two are straightforward. The last requires you to store n->link into a temporary variable before freeing n.

List *new_list()
  List *l;

  l = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
  if (l == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); }
  l->front = NULL;
  l->back = NULL;
  l->size = 0;
  return l;

void list_prepend(List *l, Jval v)
  Node *n;

  n = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
  if (n == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); }
  n->val = v;
  n->link = l->front;
  l->front = n->link;
  if (l->size == 1) l->back = n;

void free_list(List *l) 
  Node *n, *n2;

  n = l->front;
  while (n != NULL) {
    n2 = n;
    n = n->link;


Comments: This one messed up a lot of folks. I was surprised at how many of y'all did not call malloc() at all, and how many of you wrote pretty random solutions to list_free(). I all but told you a problem like this would be on the test -- I was surprised at how unprepared a lot of you were for it.

Histogram of scores for Question 2

Question 3 - 5 points

In the header file that I present to the other programmers, I would make sure that my data structure is represented by a (void *). In my implementation, I have the real struct definition of my data structure. When I allocate my data structure, I cast it to a (void *) and pass that as a return value. When programmers call my procedures with my data structure, they will pass me a (void *), and the first thing that my procedures do is cast it to the proper struct. In that way, they can use my data structure, but they cannot modify it except by calling my procedures.


I was pretty flexible on where I took off points here -- as with free_list(), I basically took off enough points so that your score reflected how good your answer was, and tried to take them off in the parts that showed where your answer was lacking.

Histogram of scores for Question 3

Question 4 - 10 points

The program is in q4.c and the input file is in q4-input.txt.

This is a straightforward program. It reads from standard input until it reads a blank line or EOF, at which point it exits. For all the non-blank lines that it reads, it pushes the characters of the first word onto a stack, onto a queue, and to the beginning and end of a linked list. This means that when we pop the characters off the stack, we will get them in reverse order. When we dequeue them, we will get them in the proper order. And if we look at the list, it will contain the characters in reverse order followed by the characters in their proper order.

So, on the first line of standard input, the queue will hold '1', the stack will hold '1' and the list will hold '1','1'. The first line of output will be "1111".

On the second line of standard input, we will have:

q: F, r, e, d
s: d, e, r, F
l: d, e, r, F, F, r, e, d

Therefore, line two of output is:

Fdde rerF erFr dFed
On the third line of standard input, we will have:

q: E, d, d, i, e
s: e, i, d, d, E
l: e, i, d, d, E, E, d, d, i, e

Therefore, line three of output is:

Eeei didd ddEE iddd eEie
The program will exit on line 4.

Therefore the output is:

Fdde rerF erFr dFed
Eeei didd ddEE iddd eEie


I tried to break down the grading so that you got points for important parts of the code-reading exercise. What I came up with was:

The problem came when you got caught on the fact that the program is putting characters on the various data structures, and not whole words. That led to the worst scores, but of course, that shows that you're making a fundamental mistake, as opposed to, for example, writing five lines of output rather than three, which is simply a missed detail.

Histogram of scores for Question 4