Question 15:
Write a program called larg that prints out the
last character of every argument given on the command line.
Here are some examples: UNIX> larg UNIX> larg Jim Plank m k UNIX>larg 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 0 UNIX> |
Question 16:
Write a program revn that takes two command line arguments
-- an integer n and a filename fn.
It then makes the file fn, which is the first n lines
of standard input in reverse order. You may not use the stacks library
that we talked about in class on tuesday -- just use an array instead.
Here are some examples (I've bold-faced the output): UNIX> revn usage: revn n filename UNIX> revn 10 f1 f2 usage: revn n filename UNIX> revn 2 f1 Give Him Six! < CNTL-D > UNIX> cat f1 Him Give UNIX> revn 15 f2 Give Him Six! < CNTL-D > UNIX> cat f2 Six! Him Give UNIX> revn Jim Plank Bad value of n UNIX> revn -3 f3 Bad value of n UNIX>The answer sheet has a skeleton of the code for you to fill in. Obviously, if you can't do it all, do what you can so you can get partial credit. It helps in grading if you let me know what parts you didn't do. |