CS302 Midterm Exam - October 13, 2015 - Page Four
Question 5
On the answer sheet provided, implement the constructor, Union() and Find()
operations of Disjoint Sets. You may implement any of the three options that I described in class.
When you're done, in the space provided, specify which option that you implemented,
and what the running times of all three operations are. I don't care which option you implement,
and there is no bonus or penalty for one option over another.
Question 6
Write a recursive function with the following prototype:
long long two_ks(int K, long long S);
This function should return the value 2K%S, and it should
run in time O(log(K)). You may find the following two observations very useful:
- If K is odd, then 2K%S =
(2* (2(K-1)%S) )%S.
- If K is even, then 2K%S =
( (2(K/2)%S) *
(2(K/2)%S) ) %S.