CS360 Jshell Lab

What you turn in

You should submit the program jshell.c. The TA's will compile this with libfdr.


Time to write a shell. Your job is to write jshell -- your own shell, which is going to be very primitive. Jsh is like csh / sh / bash: It is a command line interpreter that lets you execute commands and redirects their input/output.

The syntax is not like "regular" shells like sh, bash and csh. It is more of a pain to use, but easier to write!

The command format

jshell reads lines of text from standard input. Commands are composed of multiple lines. Here's how to interpret each line (use the fields library):

The first command line argument of my jshell

My jshell allows you to specify some letters on its first command line argument: See the examples below for more information about how these are specified and used.

BTW, your shell does not have to implement these. You may want to, to help you with debugging, but I won't test them. Here are some examples:

UNIX> bin/jshell r       # The 'r' on command line means that it will
READY                    # print "READY" when it's ready to receive a command
cat f1.txt   
END                      # You need an "END" line to make it execute the command
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic
Gianna Coralberry
Sydney Roundoff
Brandon Canvas
Julia Suffocate
Amelia Chantey
Isaiah Aidan Plait
Lucy Clamp
Arianna Infant
             # I'm putting an extra line after the READY's to make it easier to read.

< f1.txt     # Here, we redirect standard input from f1.txt
head -n 2
> f2.txt     # And standard output to f2.txt

cat f2.txt   # Here's f2.txt
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic

> f2.txt     # It doesn't matter what order you specify the
< f1.txt     # redirections with respect to the commands.
head -n 2

cat f2.txt
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic

head -n 2 f1.txt    # Test appending to a file
>> f2.txt

cat f2.txt
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic

cat -n             # Here's where we pipe together three commands
sed s/[a-z]/x/g
tail -n 2
< f1.txt
     9	Lxxx Cxxxx
    10	Axxxxxx Ixxxxx

cat sleep_fred.c   # sleep_fred.c sleeps 10 seconds and then 
END                # prints Fred on standard output.

int main()

gcc sleep_fred.c    # We compile it and run it

Fred         # You have to wait 10 seconds for it to print Fred.
READY        # After 10 seconds, it prints Fred and you get the READY prompt.

a.out        # Now I run it, but speify NOWAIT
READY        # I get the prompt back instantly, with no Fred.

cat f2.txt   # I call this command in under 10 seconds
Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic

Fred         # And finally Fred appears.
a.out        # I call a.out > f2.txt, but don't wait.
> f2.txt

cat f2.txt   # Within 10 seconds, f2.txt has been opened and
END          # truncated, but nothing written yet.

cat f2.txt   # (Wait 10 seconds): After 10 seconds, f2.txt contains "Fred".

When you call my jshell and include 'p' in the first argument, it will print information about the command:
UNIX> bin/jshell rp
cat f1.txt
Stdin:   None                  # After each command, you can see my internal data structure.
Stdout:  None (Append=0)
N_Commands:  1
Wait:        1
  0: argc: 2   argv: cat f1.txt

Andrew Sundry
Brandon Aperiodic
Gianna Coralberry
Sydney Roundoff
Brandon Canvas
Julia Suffocate
Amelia Chantey
Isaiah Aidan Plait
Lucy Clamp
Arianna Infant

cat -n
sed s/[a-z]/x/g
tail -n 2
< f1.txt
> f2.txt
Stdin:   f1.txt
Stdout:  f2.txt (Append=0)
N_Commands:  3
Wait:        1
  0: argc: 2   argv: cat -n
  1: argc: 2   argv: sed s/[a-z]/x/g
  2: argc: 3   argv: tail -n 2


cat f2.txt
Stdin:   None
Stdout:  None (Append=0)
N_Commands:  1
Wait:        1
  0: argc: 2   argv: cat f2.txt

     9	Lxxx Cxxxx
    10	Axxxxxx Ixxxxx

head -n 1 f1.txt 
>> f2.txt
Stdin:   None
Stdout:  f2.txt (Append=1)
N_Commands:  1
Wait:        1
  0: argc: 4   argv: head -n 1 f1.txt


cat f2.txt
Stdin:   None
Stdout:  None (Append=0)
N_Commands:  1
Wait:        1
  0: argc: 2   argv: cat f2.txt

     9	Lxxx Cxxxx
    10	Axxxxxx Ixxxxx
Andrew Sundry

Stdin:   None
Stdout:  None (Append=0)
N_Commands:  1
Wait:        0
  0: argc: 1   argv: a.out

Fred            # This comes 10 seconds later

You don't have to implement the first command line argument

The gradescripts do not call jshell with a command line argument, so you don't have to implement 'r', 'p' or 'n'. However, were I you, I would. They don't have to match mine, but they are useful for code development and debugging.

Some General Advice

Incremental Programming

I would program in the following order: Remember -- program slowly and test, test, test. Think of things you should test, and then test them. Don't try to have the gradescripts be your debugger -- you'll be more efficient thinking of things to test and testing them on your own before you move to the gradescripts.

Flush before fork

Before you call fork, you should call fflush() on stdin, stdout and stderr. Trust me.


You should try to minimize the number of zombie processes that will exist (this is in all parts). This is not to say that they can't exist for a little while, but not forever. When you call wait() for a shell command, it might return the pid of a zombie process, and not the process you thought would return. This is fine --- you just have to be able to deal with it. (i.e. consider the following sequence):
cat f1
> /dev/null

vi lab3.c
You are going to call wait() to wait for the vi command to terminate, but it will return with the status of the zombie process from the cat call. This is all fine -- you just need to be aware that these things may happen, and that you may have to call wait() again to wait for vi to complete.

Open files

You must make sure that when you call execvp, that there are only three files open -- 0, 1, and 2. If there are others open, then you have a bug in your shell.

Also, when a command is done, and the shell prints out its prompt, then it should only have three files open -- 0, 1, and 2. Otherwise, you have forgotten to close a file descriptor or two and have a bug in your code. Check for this. My jshell never uses a file descriptor higher than 5.

Waiting in jshell

If you do not specify "NOWAIT", then your shell should not continue until all the processes in the pipe have completed. You'll need a red-black tree for this.


Your code should work in the face of errors. For example, if you specify a bad output file at the end of a multi-stage pipe, then the error should be noted, and your shell should continue working. Make sure you check for all the error conditions that you can think of.

The Gradescripts

As I said above, you'll do better to develop your own testing code than to use the gradescripts when you develop code. The gradescripts make use of the following programs, which are in the lab directory: The gradescripts use all of these to test various features of your shells. Beside the first few gradescripts, each gradescript call will take between 1 and 20 seconds. The gradescripts are time sensitive, too, so the output of your program may change as time passes -- for that reason, the gradescripts can be a little hard to parse.

To help you out, I have made videos to explain gradescripts 6, 21 and 61. They are here:

My command data structure

You don't have to use this data structure, but I put this here in case you'll find it helpful. This was the data structure that I used to store a command:

typedef struct {
  char *stdin;          /* Filename from which to redirect stdin.  NULL if empty.*/ 
  char *stdout;         /* Filename to which to redirect stdout.  NULL if empty.*/ 
  int append_stdout;    /* Boolean for appending.*/ 
  int wait;             /* Boolean for whether I should wait.*/ 
  int n_commands;       /* The number of commands that I have to execute*/ 
  int *argcs;           /* argcs[i] is argc for the i-th command*/ 
  char ***argvs;        /* argcv[i] is the argv array for the i-th command*/ 
  Dllist comlist;       /* I use this to incrementally read the commands.*/ 
} Command;

A little commentary -- before I read END, I put commands into comlist, and keep track of the number of commands with n_commands. I build the argv array when I read the command, and that's what I put onto the comlist.

When I read END, I create argcs and argvs from comlist, and then delete comlist. Since I'm storing the actual argv arrays in comlist, this is a very simply process of calculating argc, and then copying the pointer to the argv array.

I have a procedure free_command() that frees everything in the data structure at the end of every command. I use this to handle errors while reading.