May want to bring a second laptop for jassem
- Assembler: Computer organization & stack frames.
- Goal to teach how assembly code is generated by a compiler. Not precise, but intuitive.
- Made-up RISC with 4 byte pointers and no floating point. YAY!!
8 general purpose:
- 4 bytes and can be read/written
- r0 through r4.
- sp, fp, pc
3 read-only: g0, g1, gm1
Special inaccessible ones:
IR - holds the current instruction
CSR - Information about the previous instruction
Instruction Cycle:
- Decode & execute instruction in IR
- Determine the next instruction & update the pc
- Load the next instruction into the IR
Instructions are four bytes, and are stored in memory. pc = current instruction.
If an instruction is not a control instruction, pc += 4 each instruction cycle.
What RISC means in this context: Only loads and stores touch memory.
Three types of instructions for now:
1. Memory <-> Memory:
ld mem -> %reg
st %reg -> mem
5 ways to address memory:
Global variable
2. Register <-> Register
mov %reg -> %reg
mov #val -> %reg
add %r1, %r2 -> %r3 -- They can be the same.
Arithmetic on the stack pointer:
push #val
pop #val
3. Control:
jsr a
4. .globl directive.
The address space -- see txt/Address.txt. No heap in this world.
Simple Compiled Code. Make the TEGWar analogy.
Start with p1-g.c Show how dumb it is, and how you could easily make
it faster. Stress that we don't optimize in this class.
Bust out jassem.
Next p1.c -- talk about how the stack works with sp & fp. Show how push 8
can be used to allocate i and j. By convention, j is on the bottom.
Write the code. Then walk through with jassem.
If time -- question about memory. test1 breaks the malloc.
test2 breaks the stack.