CS360 Lecture notes -- Doubly Linked Lists

  • James S. Plank
  • Directory: ~jplank/plank/classes/cs360/360/www-home/notes/Dllists
  • Lecture notes: http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank/plank/classes/cs360/360/notes/Dllists
  • Original notes: Wed Aug 25 10:14:37 EDT 1999
  • Last modified: Fri Jan 29 17:46:40 EST 2021

    Doubly Linked Lists

    Doubly linked lists ("dllists") are extremely useful in C, because they let you store data when you don't know how much data you have. In C++, they are less useful because you can call push_back() on vectors. You don't get vectors or push_back() in C, so you'll find dllists realy handy.

    With a doubly linked list, each node has two pointers -- one to the next node in the list, and one to the previous node. Additionally, each list has an extra node called a "sentinel" node. This makes life nice in many ways:

    The API for dllists is in dllist.h. It defines a doubly-linked list node:

    typedef struct dllist {
      struct dllist *flink;
      struct dllist *blink;
      Jval val;
    } *Dllist;

    Here are the essential operations supported:

    These are also supported, but they are not, in my opinion, essential, so I won't bother going over them in class. Finally, there are two macros for traversing dllists forwards and backwards. ptr should be a Dllist and list should be a Dllist:
    #define dll_traverse(ptr, list) \
      for (ptr = (list)->flink; ptr != (list); ptr = ptr->flink)
    #define dll_rtraverse(ptr, list) \
      for (ptr = (list)->blink; ptr != (list); ptr = ptr->blink)
    These are super-convenient -- I'll show you how to use them below.

    The Structure of Dllists

    As mentioned above, the implementation of each dllist is as a circular doubly-linked list with a sentinel node. The code is in ../Libfdr/src/dllist.c.

    Once again, the typedef for a dllist node is:

    typedef struct dllist {
      struct dllist *flink;
      struct dllist *blink;
      Jval val;
    } *Dllist;

    Note that each node has two pointers -- a forward link (flink) to the next node on the list, and a backward link (blink) to the previous node on the list. Once you have created a dllist, you'll keep a pointer to the sentinel node.

    The list is circular in both directions -- the sentinel's flink points to the first node on the list, and its blink points to the last node on the list. The first node's blink points to the sentinel, as does the last node's flink.

    Some ascii art: Here's an empty list l, that would be returned from new_dllist():

    l ----------------> |-----------|
                   /--->| flink ---------\
                   | /->| blink -------\ |
                   | |  | val = ?   |  | |
                   | |  |-----------|  | |
                   | |                 | |
                   | \-----------------/ |
                   |                     |
    And here's that list after calling dll_append(l, new_jval_i(3));: (or dll_prepend(l, new_jval_i(3)) for that matter).
    l ----------------> |-----------|       |-----------|
                   /--->| flink ----------->| flink ---------\
                   | /->| blink ----------->| blink -------\ |
                   | |  | val = ?   |       | val.i = 3 |  | |
                   | |  |-----------|       |-----------|  | |
                   | |                                     | |
                   | \-------------------------------------/ |
                   |                                         |
    Actually, it makes the drawing cleaner to have the back links go backwards:
    l ----------------->|-----------|       |-----------|
                   /--->| flink ----------->| flink ---------\
                   |  /------ blink |<----------- blink |<-\ |
                   |  | | val = ?   |       | val.i = 3 |  | |
                   |  | |-----------|       |-----------|  | |
                   |  |                                    | |
                   |  \------------------------------------/ |
                   |                                         |
    Here's that list after calling dll_append(l, new_jval_i(5));:
    l ---------->|-----------|       |-----------|       |-----------|
            /--->| flink ----------->| flink ----------->| flink ---------\
            |  /------ blink |<----------- blink |<----------- blink |<-\ |
            |  | | val = ?   |       | val.i = 3 |       | val.i = 5 |  | |
            |  | |-----------|       |-----------|       |-----------|  | |
            |  |                                                        | |
            |  \--------------------------------------------------------/ |
            |                                                             |
    I won't go over more examples with ascii art. I assume you are getting the hang of it.

    Usage examples

    The first example is one of our standards: reversing standard input. This is simple enough to need no explanation. It's in src/dllreverse.c:

    /* Printing the lines of standard input in reverse order, by appending
       to a dllist, and then printing the dllist backward. */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "fields.h"
    #include "dllist.h"
    int main()
      IS is;
      Dllist l;
      Dllist tmp;
      is = new_inputstruct(NULL);
      l = new_dllist();
      while (get_line(is) >= 0) {
        dll_append(l, new_jval_s(strdup(is->text1)));
      /* Notice how convenient this macro is! */
      dll_rtraverse(tmp, l) printf("%s", tmp->val.s);
      return 0;

    The second example is another standard: printing the last n lines of standard input. We do this by reading standard input into a Dllist, and making sure that the Dllist always has at most n nodes. Then we print it out. The code is in src/dlltail.c.

    /* This program implements tail using a dllist.  It reads lines onto the dllist until
       it contains the proper number of lines.  Then, each time it reads a line, it appends
       to the dllist and then deletes the first line of the dllist.  At the end, it simply
       prints the dllist. */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "fields.h"
    #include "dllist.h"
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      IS is;
      int n;
      Dllist l;
      Dllist tmp;
      /* Error check and read the number of lines to maintain. */
      if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: dlltail n\n");
      n = atoi(argv[1]);
      if (n < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: dlltail n  -- n must be >= 0\n");
      /* Create the inputstruct and dllist */
      is = new_inputstruct(NULL);
      l = new_dllist();
      /* Read each line and append to the dllist. */
      while (get_line(is) >= 0) {
        dll_append(l, new_jval_s(strdup(is->text1)));
        if (is->line > n) {          /* If the dllist is too big, delete the first line on it. */
          free(l->flink->val.s);     /* You have to free it, becuase you called strdup() to create it. */
      /* At the end, print the dllist -- again note the convenience of dll_traverse. */
      dll_traverse(tmp, l) printf("%s", tmp->val.s);
      return 0;

    A couple of notes about this program. First, you have to call strdup() to copy the string that you have read from standard input. Otherwise, get_line() will overwrite the string, and all of your lines will be the same (we've gone over this concept multiple times, but I like to keep hammering the point home).

    Second, when you call dll_delete_node() it removes the node from the list and frees the node. However, if the val field points to data that has been allocated with malloc(), then that data is not freed automatically. That is because the dllist library has no idea what the data is. Perhaps you want it freed, or perhaps you don't, because it is on mutiple data structures.

    In this program, you most definitely want to free the data -- suppose you read a file that has 10G worth of text and you simply want to read the last 10 lines -- if you don't free the data when you delete a node, you'll burn 10G of memory. If you do free the data, then you only store 10 lines in memory at a time.

    A Last Example

    The following assignment is from CS202, in C++:

    COS: Columns of strings and doubles

    You're going to hate this program. Sorry. You are going to write cos.cpp. This reads words from standard input and partitions them into doubles and non-doubles. On line 1, it will print the first non-double and the first double. On line 2, it will print the second non-double and the second double. And so on. The format of each line should be:

    • The non-double, padded to 30 characters and left justified.
    • A space.
    • The double, padded to 20 characters, right justified with four digits after the decimal point.

    Thus, each line will be 51 characters. If there are the same number of doubles and non-doubles, then life is easy. However, if there are more doubles than non-doubles, you simply print 30 spaces when you get to the lines that have no non-doubles. If there are more non-doubles than doubles, then you simply print 20 spaces where the double would go.

    You may assume that the words in standard input are 30 characters or less.


    UNIX> cat txt/input1.txt
    1 Fred 2 3 Binky Dontonio
    UNIX> bin/cos < txt/input1.txt
    Fred                                         1.0000
    Binky                                        2.0000
    Dontonio                                     3.0000
    UNIX> cat txt/input2.txt
    1 2 3 Fred
    UNIX> cos < txt/input2.txt
    Fred                                         1.0000
    UNIX> cat txt/input3.txt
    1 2 Fred Binky Dontonio
    UNIX> bin/cos < txt/input3.txt
    Fred                                         1.0000
    Binky                                        2.0000
    UNIX> bin/cos < txt/input3.txt | cat -e
    Fred                                         1.0000$
    Binky                                        2.0000$
    Dontonio                                           $
    In case you're wondering, "cat -e" prints standard input on standard output and puts a '$' at the end of the line. It's nice to be able to see spaces at the end of a line.

    The solution is to use two Dllists -- one for doubles and one for strings. When you read stdin, you use sscanf() to determine if a word is a double, and if it is, you put it on the double lists. Otherwise, you call strdup() and put the string on the string lists. Then you print out in three phases. In the first, you print all the lines which have both doubles and strings. When you're done with that loop, you may have doubles or strings leftover. The remaining two loops handle each case. The code is in src/cos.c:

    /* This program reads words and puts each word onto one of two lists.  If the word is
       a double, it puts it on one list.  If it's not, it puts it on the other list.  It
       then prints the two lists in two columns, formatted.  Please see the lecture notes
       for a precise definition of the format. */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "fields.h"
    #include "dllist.h"
    int main()
      Dllist dl, dtmp;  /* The list for doubles */
      Dllist sl, stmp;  /* The list for strings */
      double d;
      int i;
      IS is;
      /* Create the lists and the inputstruct */
      dl = new_dllist();
      sl = new_dllist();
      is = new_inputstruct(NULL);
      /* Append to the two lists, using sscanf to differentiate between numbers and strings. */
      while (get_line(is) >= 0) {
        for (i = 0; i < is->NF; i++) {
          if (sscanf(is->fields[i], "%lf", &d) == 1) {
            dll_append(dl, new_jval_d(d));
          } else {
            dll_append(sl, new_jval_s(strdup(is->fields[i])));
      /* Print the lines that have both doubles and strings.   
         You'll note -- I'm using the sentinel to test for the end of each list */
      dtmp = dl->flink;
      stmp = sl->flink;
      while (dtmp != dl && stmp != sl) {
        printf("%-30s %20.4lf\n", stmp->val.s, dtmp->val.d);
        dtmp = dtmp->flink;
        stmp = stmp->flink;
      /* Now print the lines that have strings only: */
      while (stmp != sl) {
        printf("%-30s %20s\n", stmp->val.s, "");
        stmp = stmp->flink;
      /* And print the lines that have doubles only: */
      while (dtmp != dl) {
        printf("%-30s %20.4lf\n", "", dtmp->val.d);
        dtmp = dtmp->flink;
      return 0;

    Implementation Details

    I don't go over this in class, because it should be review from CS202. However, I keep it in the lecture notes in case you want some review on implementing doubly-linked lists. I haven't touched these notes since 1998, so they may feature some old-school C. Sorry.

    Many of the procedure implementations are trivial procedures or macros:

    Dllist new_dllist() { Dllist d; d = (Dllist) malloc (sizeof(struct dllist)); d->flink = d; d->blink = d; return d; }
    dll_empty(Dllist l) { return (l->flink == l); }
    free_dllist(Dllist l) { while (!dll_empty(l)) { dll_delete_node(dll_first(l)); } free(l); }
    #define dll_first(d) ((d)->flink) #define dll_next(d) ((d)->flink) #define dll_last(d) ((d)->blink) #define dll_prev(d) ((d)->blink) #define dll_nil(d) (d)
    The only subtle pieces of code are dll_insert_b() and dll_delete_node. With dll_insert_b(n, v) we malloc() a new node, set its value to v, and then link it into the list right before n. This means that we set the new node's flink field to n, and its blink field to n->blink. Then we set n->blink to the new node, and the old n->blink's flink field to the new node. Here's the code:
    dll_insert_b(Dllist node, Jval v)       /* Inserts before a given node */
      Dllist new;
      new = (Dllist) malloc (sizeof(struct dllist));
      new->val = v;
      new->flink = node;
      new->blink = node->blink;
      new->flink->blink = new;
      new->blink->flink = new;
    Once we have dll_insert_b() the other three list insertion routines are simply calls to dll_insert_b():
    dll_insert_a(Dllist n, Jval val)        /* Inserts after a given node */
      dll_insert_b(n->flink, val);
    dll_append(Dllist l, Jval val)     /* Inserts at the end of the list */
      dll_insert_b(l, val);
    dll_prepend(Dllist l, Jval val)    /* Inserts at the beginning of the list */
      dll_insert_b(l->flink, val);
    Deletion is pretty easy too. First you must remove the node n's from the list by setting n->flink->blink to n->blink and by setting n->blink->flink to n->flink. Then you free n:
    dll_delete_node(Dllist node)            /* Deletes an arbitrary iterm */
      node->flink->blink = node->blink;
      node->blink->flink = node->flink;