CS360 -- Systems Programming

James S. Plank

Lecture Notes

Although you can read the notes here, I have put them on bitbucket, and you can grab them to compile and use on your own machine. I strongly suggest that you do so, because hands-on work is how you learn. To grab the lecture notes so that you have all of the programs on your own machine, do:
UNIX> git clone https://jimplank@bitbucket.org/jimplank/cs360-lecture-notes.git
The lecture notes will be in the directory cs360-lecture-notes. You should occasionally do a "git pull" in that directory, to make sure that your notes are up to date.

Lecture notes on bitbucket

We didn't get to these this year (we never do):

  • Optional: Continuation-Based Threads (just in case you care). Old lecture notes.