CS360: Exam 1: 10/22/97. Cheat Sheet

System calls for I/O

    int open(char *path, int flags [ , int mode ] );
    int close(int fd);
    int read(int fd, char *buf, int size);
    int write(int fd, char *buf, int size);
    off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);


Standard I/O library calls

     FILE *fopen(char *filename, char *type);
     int fclose(FILE *stream);
     int fread (char *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream);
     int fwrite (char *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream);
     char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);
     int fputs(char *s, FILE *stream);
     int fprintf(FILE *stream, char *format [ , arg... ] );
     int fscanf(FILE *stream, char *format  [ , pointer... ] );
     int fgetc(FILE *stream);
     int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int ptrname);
     char *sprintf(char *s, char *format [ , arg... ] );


     char *strcpy(char *s1, char *s2); /* Copies s2 to s1 */
     int   strcmp(char *s1, char *s2); /* Compares s1 and s2 */
     char *strdup(char *s);            /* Mallocs and copies s */
     int   strlen(char *s);            /* Returns length of s*/

Red-black trees

     Rb_node make_rb();   /* Creates a new rb-tree */
     Rb_node rb_insert(Rb_node tree, char *key, char *val);
     #define rb_first(n) (n->c.list.flink)
     #define rb_last(n) (n->c.list.blink)
     #define rb_next(n) (n->c.list.flink)
     #define rb_prev(n) (n->c.list.blink)
     #define rb_nil(t) (t)
     #define rb_traverse(ptr, lst) \
       for(ptr = rb_first(lst); ptr != rb_nil(lst); ptr = rb_next(ptr))


     typedef struct dlist {
       struct dlist *flink;
       struct dlist *blink;
       void *val;
     } *Dlist;

     Dlist make_dl();                    /* Creates a new dlist*/
     dl_insert_b(Dlist node, char *val); /* Insert before the node */
     dl_insert_a(Dlist node, char *val); /* Insert after the node */
     #define nil(l) (l)
     #define first(l) (l->flink)
     #define last(l) (l->blink)
     #define next(n) (n->flink)
     #define prev(n) (n->blink)
     #define dl_traverse(ptr, list) \
        for (ptr = first(list); ptr != nil(list); ptr = next(ptr))


      #define MAXLEN 1001
      #define MAXFIELDS 1000
      typedef struct inputstruct {
        char *name;               /* File name */
        FILE *f;                  /* File descriptor */
        int line;                 /* Line number */
        char text1[MAXLEN];       /* The line */
        char text2[MAXLEN];       /* Working -- contains fields */
        int NF;                   /* Number of fields */
        char *fields[MAXFIELDS];  /* Pointers to fields */
        int file;                 /* 1 for file, 0 for popen */
      } *IS;
      extern IS new_inputstruct(/* FILENAME -- NULL for stdin */);
      extern int get_line(/* IS */); /* returns NF, or -1 on EOF */