CS360 Midterm -- October 18, 1999. Question 2:
Answer and grading
16 points total
Part 1: 8 points
Even though f1() is called with only one argument in main(),
this code will still compile with many C compilers. Given the layout of
our machine, k will end up being j in f1.
Here is the assembler:
.globl A // Allocate A
ld [fp+12] -> %r0 // Do j += i
ld [fp+16] -> %r1
add %r0, %r1 -> %r1
st %r1 -> [fp+16]
ld [fp+16] -> %r0 // return j
push 4 // allocate k
mv #5 -> %r0 // k = 5
st %r0 -> [fp]
ld [fp] -> %r0 // push k+5 on the stack
mv #5 -> %r1
add %r0, %r1 -> %r1
st %r1 -> [sp]--
jsr f1 // Call f1
pop 4 // Pop the argument off the stack
st %r0 -> A
ret // And end.
Part 2: 6 points
Stack Registers
|----------| |----------|
| |<----------\ | 10 | r0
/--| old fp | | | 15 | r1
| | main+32 | | ...
| | 10 | \---------| | sp
\->| k:15 | \---------| | fp
... | f1+20 | pc
Part 3: 2 points
When main() returns, A and k are both 15.
- Part 1: One point for each of the above steps
commented in the assembler.
- Part 2: One point each for the sp/fp, the pc,
the old fp, the old pc, the argument, and k.
- Part 3: 1 point for A, and 1 point for k.