CS360 Midterm Exam 1 -- February 16, 2016
This was a very hard exam. Once again, I apologize for your stress, but I believe strongly
that a true understanding of computer systems requires that you know the bits, bytes and pointers
and how they interrelate. This exam tests that, and although it was long and detailed, I believe
it fairly tested you. I have given lots of
partial credit, and have scaled the grades to account for the exam's length.
In general, I thought you did well on this challenging
- A+: Above 61 - Fantastic job!
- A: 52 to 51
- B: 40 to 52
- C: 30 to 40
- D: 25 to 30
- F: Below 25
Tukey Plots
This is a Tukey Plot, which has lines to the max and min, yellow box denoting
the 1st and 3rd quartiles, hash marks at the median, and dot at the mean.
In the "answers and grading", there are histograms of scores for each question.