CS360 Midterm Exam -- March 9, 2021

James S. Plank



By and large, I was disappointed by the class performance on this exam. I'm sorry -- I know my exams are tough, requiring studying, thinking on your feet and attention to detail -- but these are skills that I really want every student to acquire and strive for.

Too many students floundered on the assembler question, and on the questions (1 and 7) which were pretty much just like the class clicker questions. It also bummed me out at how many students gave O(n2) solutions to questions 3 and 4. We've talked multiple times about question 4 in class, and how you cannot treat strcat() like you tread string appending in C++. The use of a proper data structure in question 3 comes from CS140 -- if you are on a job interview, and they ask you to do storage and retrieval, you are not going to get hired if you give them a linear search (which results in O(n2) when you do n of them).

If you're below the B+ range on this exam, I urge you to either study more or study more effectively for the final exam. All of my finals from CS360 are online -- one of your studying tools should be to do a sampling of these exams, timed. That way you'll know what the exam feels like, and what the answers should feel like.

Here are scores to grades:

Tukey Plots

This is a Tukey Plot, which has lines to the max and min, yellow box denoting the 1st and 3rd quartiles, hash marks at the median, and dot at the mean.

In the "answers and grading", there are histograms of scores for each question.