CS360 Final Exam. Question 4
December 13, 1997
18 points
Your game program is such a success that you put the code on the
internet, and people are playing it all over the country. You'd
like to maintain a high-score server, which records the top 500
scores of all time. To do this, you put the following code into
your game program:
process_high_score(char *name, int score, int month, int day, int year)
int fd;
char hsstring[100];
char s[100];
sprintf(hsstring, "%10d %-10s %02d/%02d/%04d\n", score, name,
month, day, year);
/* Note that this string will have exactly 34 characters, including the
null character */
fd = request_connection("games.cs.utk.edu", 8000);
if (fd >= 0) {
write(fd, hsstring, 34);
while (1) {
j = read(fd, s, 100);
if (j > 0) {
write(1, s, j);
} else {
What this does is create a high score string, and send it to a high
score server. The server receives the high score, and then sends
back a big string which is the top 500 scores. The game program prints
out this string.
Part 1
You write the high score server that is serving port 8000 at
games.cs.utk.edu. Make it threaded. It should manage
a data structure that holds the top 500 scores, and it should
service connections from the above clients.
Hint: if process_high_score("Jim", 100000, 12, 13, 1997)
is called, the string:
" 100000 Jim 12/13/1997\n"
will be sent to the server. Note that if you call atoi() on that
string, it will return 100000.
Part 2
I am assuming that your program has a mutex that you are locking
whenever you mess with the high-score data structure. This probably
means that you are locking the mutex while you write the contents of
the data structure to a socket connection. Why is this a bad thing
performance-wise, and how could you fix it? (don't write code, just
explain it).