#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define VIT(i, v) for (i = 0; i < (int) v.size(); i++) #define IT(it, ds) for (it = ds.begin(); it != ds.end(); it++) /* I ripped this from my CS302 notes */ class Disjoint { public: Disjoint(int nelements); int Union(int s1, int s2); int Find(int element); protected: vector links; vector ranks; }; Disjoint::Disjoint(int nelements) { int i; links.resize(nelements); ranks.resize(nelements); for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++) { links[i] = -1; ranks[i] = 0; } } int Disjoint::Find(int element) { int setid; if (links[element] == -1) { return element; } setid = Find(links[element]); links[element] = setid; return setid; } int Disjoint::Union(int s1, int s2) { if (links[s1] != -1 || links[s2] != -1) { cerr << "Union called on a non-set\n"; exit(1); } if (s1 == s2) return s1; if (ranks[s1] < ranks[s2]) { links[s1] = s2; return s1; } else if (ranks[s1] > ranks[s2]) { links[s2] = s1; return s2; } else { links[s2] = s1; ranks[s1]++; return s1; } } void usage(string s) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: a-star-tester-0 seed xmin ymin xmax ymax nn connections-per-node Dijkstra|A-Star|Nothing print(Y|N|G)\n"); if (s != "") fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s.c_str()); exit(1); } class Node { public: int id; /* Integer id of a node. */ double X, Y; /* X and Y coordinates on the plane */ int Color; /* Color for drawing */ /* There are four adjacency lists (rather than one with structs */ vector Adj_N; /* #1: The nodes on the adjacency lists */ vector Adj_D; /* #2: The distance to Adj_N[i] */ vector Adj_BE_Index; /* #3: Let t = n->Adj_N[i]. Then t->Adj_N[n->Adj_BE_Index[i]] = n */ vector Adj_Color; /* #4: The color of the edge */ multimap ::iterator xit, yit; /* Where the node is on the xmap and ymap (see Graph) */ Node *Backedge; /* These are all for Dijkstra / A-Star */ int Backedge_Index; double D, E, H, H2; multimap ::iterator qit; int considered; /* This helps us set up the adjacency lists */ void Print(); }; class Graph { public: vector Nodes; /* The nodes, not including the sentinels. */ Node *Sentinel_Low; /* I have sentinels whose distances to the nodes is great. */ Node *Sentinel_High; /* I'm not really sure if I need them. */ multimap Xmap; /* These sort the nodes by x and y values, respectively */ multimap Ymap; Node *Start; /* Starting and ending nodes for the shortest path calculation */ Node *End; double Path_Length; Disjoint *D; /* We want are graphs connected -- this helps with that determination. */ int Num_Components; multimap Best; /* Setting up the adjacency lists is a little involved. */ vector Considered; /* See the comments in the code for how this is done */ string DAN; /* "Dijkstra" / "A-Star" / "Nothing */ string Print; Node *Add_New_Node(double x, double y, int put_in_nodes); void Add_Edge(Node *n, Node *n2); int Add_To_Best(Node *n, Node *n2, int num, char XY); void Do_Dijkstra(); void Do_A_Star(); void Reset(); }; double Distance(Node *n1, Node *n2) { return sqrt((n1->X-n2->X)*(n1->X-n2->X)+(n1->Y-n2->Y)*(n1->Y-n2->Y)); } void Node::Print() { printf("NODE %d %.3lf %3lf\n", id, X, Y); } /* There are a few subtleties in adding an edge: 1. If you add [n->t], then you need to add [t->n] too. 2. You need to set up Adj_BE_Index for each node (see the Node description). 3. You need to maintain connected components in the disjoint set */ void Graph::Add_Edge(Node *n, Node *n2) { double d; int s1, s2; d = Distance(n, n2); n->Adj_BE_Index.push_back(n2->Adj_N.size()); n2->Adj_BE_Index.push_back(n->Adj_N.size()); n->Adj_D.push_back(d); n->Adj_N.push_back(n2); n2->Adj_D.push_back(d); n2->Adj_N.push_back(n); s1 = D->Find(n->id); s2 = D->Find(n2->id); if (s1 != s2) { D->Union(s1, s2); Num_Components--; } } /* There are very few subtleties in adding a new node. */ Node *Graph::Add_New_Node(double x, double y, int put_in_nodes) { Node *n; n = new Node; n->considered = 0; if (put_in_nodes) { n->id = Nodes.size(); Nodes.push_back(n); } else { n->id = -1; } n->X = x; n->Y = y; n->xit = Xmap.insert(make_pair(n->X, n)); n->yit = Ymap.insert(make_pair(n->Y, n)); return n; } /* Dijkstra's algorithm -- if you've taken CS302, you should be able to do this in your sleep */ void Graph::Do_Dijkstra() { multimap Q; Node *n, *t; double distance, nd; int i; Start->qit = Q.insert(make_pair(0, Start)); Start->D = 0; Start->Color = 1; while (!Q.empty()) { distance = Q.begin()->first; n = Q.begin()->second; n->Color = 2; Q.erase(Q.begin()); if (n == End) { Path_Length = distance; while (1) { t = n->Backedge; t->Color = 3; t->Adj_Color[n->Backedge_Index] = 4; n->Adj_Color[t->Adj_BE_Index[n->Backedge_Index]] = 4; if (t == Start) return; n = t; } } VIT(i, n->Adj_N) { t = n->Adj_N[i]; n->Adj_Color[i] = 1; t->Adj_Color[n->Adj_BE_Index[i]] = 1; nd = distance + n->Adj_D[i]; if (t->D == -1 || t->D > nd) { t->Color = 1; if (t->D != -1) Q.erase(t->qit); t->D = nd; t->qit = Q.insert(make_pair(nd, t)); t->Backedge = n; t->Backedge_Index = i; } } } } /* A-Star is very much like Dijkstra, but it employs the estimate (H) as well as the distance (D). */ void Graph::Do_A_Star() { multimap Q; Node *n, *t; double distance, nd, ne; int i; Start->qit = Q.insert(make_pair(0, Start)); Start->D = 0; Start->Color = 1; while (!Q.empty()) { n = Q.begin()->second; distance = n->D; n->Color = 2; Q.erase(Q.begin()); if (n == End) { Path_Length = distance; while (1) { t = n->Backedge; t->Color = 3; t->Adj_Color[n->Backedge_Index] = 4; n->Adj_Color[t->Adj_BE_Index[n->Backedge_Index]] = 4; if (t == Start) return; n = t; } } VIT(i, n->Adj_N) { t = n->Adj_N[i]; n->Adj_Color[i] = 1; t->Adj_Color[n->Adj_BE_Index[i]] = 1; nd = distance + n->Adj_D[i]; ne = nd + Distance(t, End); if (t->E == -1 || t->E > ne) { t->Color = 1; if (t->E != -1) Q.erase(t->qit); t->D = nd; t->E = ne; t->qit = Q.insert(make_pair(ne, t)); t->Backedge = n; t->Backedge_Index = i; } } } } /* This runs through all of the nodes, making sure that their defaults are set. This is the procedure I'd like to avoid calling, unless it's absolutely necessary. */ void Graph::Reset() { int i, j; Node *n; for (i = 0; i < (int) Nodes.size(); i++) { n = Nodes[i]; n->Backedge = NULL; n->D = -1; n->E = -1; n->H = -1; n->H2 = -1; n->Color = 0; VIT(j, n->Adj_Color) n->Adj_Color[j] = 0; } Path_Length = 0; } /* See the description of setting up adjacency lists below in main() */ int Graph::Add_To_Best(Node *n, Node *n2, int num, char XY) { double d; multimap ::iterator last; if (n2 == NULL) return 0; if (!n2->considered) { n2->considered = 1; Considered.push_back(n2); d = Distance(n, n2); Best.insert(make_pair(d, n2)); while ((int) Best.size() > num) { last = Best.end(); last--; Best.erase(last); } } if (n2 == Sentinel_Low || n2 == Sentinel_High) return 0; if ((int) Best.size() == num) { last = Best.end(); last--; if (XY == 'X') { d = n2->X - n->X; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d > last->first) return 0; } else { d = n2->Y - n->Y; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d > last->first) return 0; } } return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; long seed; int nn, i, done, ntoadd, j, s1, nopen, ndefault; int cpn; Node *n, *n2; Node *xlow, *xhigh, *ylow, *yhigh; multimap ::iterator it, mit; Graph G; vector colors; struct timeval tp; string s; double t1, t2, x, y; colors.push_back("1 1 1"); colors.push_back("1 .5 .5"); colors.push_back(".5 .5 1"); colors.push_back("0 1 0"); colors.push_back("1 1 0"); if (argc != 10) usage(""); if (sscanf(argv[1], "%ld", &seed) == 0) usage("Bad seed."); srand48(seed); if (sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &xmin) == 0) usage("Bad xmin."); if (sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &ymin) == 0) usage("Bad ymin."); if (sscanf(argv[4], "%lf", &xmax) == 0 || xmax <= xmin) usage("Bad xmax."); if (sscanf(argv[5], "%lf", &ymax) == 0 || ymax <= ymin) usage("Bad ymax."); if (sscanf(argv[6], "%d", &nn) == 0 || nn <= 0) usage("Bad nn."); if (sscanf(argv[7], "%d", &cpn) == 0) usage("Bad cpn."); G.DAN = argv[8]; if (G.DAN != "Dijkstra" && G.DAN != "A-Star" && G.DAN != "Nothing") usage("Bad Dijkstra|A-Star|Nothing"); G.Print = argv[9]; if (G.Print != "Y" && G.Print != "N" && G.Print != "G") usage("Bad G.Print(Y|N|G)"); /* Make two dummy nodes that couldn't possibly connect to anyone. */ G.Sentinel_Low = G.Add_New_Node(xmin - (xmax - xmin)*2, ymin - (ymax - ymin)*2, 0); G.Sentinel_High = G.Add_New_Node(xmax + (xmax - xmin)*2, ymax + (ymax - ymin)*2, 0); /* Set up the disjoint sets to count components */ G.D = new Disjoint(nn); G.Num_Components = nn; /* Read the graph from standard input rather than make it */ if (cpn <= 0) { while (cin >> s) { if (s == "NODE") { if (!(cin >> i >> x >> y)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stdin in bad format (bad NODE)\n"); exit(1); } if (i != (int) G.Nodes.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad NODE -- out of order (%d)\n", i); exit(1); } if (i == nn) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many nodes\n"); exit(1); } G.Add_New_Node(x, y, 1); } else if (s == "EDGE") { if (!(cin >> i >> j)) { fprintf(stderr, "Stdin in bad format (bad EDGE)\n"); exit(1); } if (i < 0 || i >= nn) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad edge id %d\n", i); exit(1); } if (j < 0 || j == nn) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad edge id %d\n", j); exit(1); } if (i > j) G.Add_Edge(G.Nodes[i], G.Nodes[j]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Stdin in bad format (not a NODE or EDGE)\n"); exit(0); } } /* Otherwise create the nodes randomly */ } else { for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) { G.Add_New_Node(xmin + drand48() * (xmax - xmin), ymin + drand48() * (ymax - ymin), 1); } /* This is the tricky part. My goal is to set up the nodes' adjacency lists. For each node, n, I am going to maintain two data structures: 1. "Considered" is a vector of nodes that I have considered in this analysis. When I consider a node, I set its "considered" field. I maintain "considered", because when I'm done setting up n's adjacency lists, I need to reset all of the "considered" fields to zero. I don't want to run through all of the nodes in the graph to do this, so I keep track of them with the Considered vector. 2. "Best" is a map of nodes that are not already on n's adjacency list, ordered by their distance to n. I make sure that the size of Best is capped at the number of nodes that I want to put onto n's adjacency list. The first thing I do is set the considered fields of all of the nodes that are already on n's adjacency list. Now, what I do is keep track of four nodes, xlow, xhigh, ylow and yhigh. These start as the the nodes just before and after n xmap and the ymap. For each of these, if the node is not yet "considered," then I insert it into Best and set its considered field. When I've done this for xlow, xhigh, ylow and yhigh, I set them to the previous/next nodes in the xmap and ymap. I can stop considering each of these when: There are no more nodes on the xmap/ymap. The distance to n along the x or y axis is greater than the highest node on best. When I'm done, I put all of the nodes on best onto n's adjacency list (and vice versa, since our graph is undirected.) */ IT(mit, G.Xmap) { n = mit->second; if (n->id >= 0) { it = n->xit; it--; xlow = it->second; it = n->xit; it++; xhigh = it->second; it = n->yit; it--; ylow = it->second; it = n->yit; it++; yhigh = it->second; if ((int) n->Adj_N.size() < cpn) { /* This sets the considered fields / vector for the nodes already on n's adjacency list */ VIT(i, n->Adj_N) G.Add_To_Best(n, n->Adj_N[i], G.Best.size()+n->Adj_N.size(), 'X'); G.Best.clear(); /* This goes through the process described above for the four nodes */ ntoadd = cpn - n->Adj_N.size(); done = (ntoadd == 0); while (!done) { if (G.Add_To_Best(n, xlow, ntoadd, 'X') == 0) { xlow = NULL; } else { it = xlow->xit; it--; xlow = it->second; } if (G.Add_To_Best(n, xhigh, ntoadd, 'X') == 0) { xhigh = NULL; } else { it = xhigh->xit; it++; xhigh = it->second; } if (G.Add_To_Best(n, ylow, ntoadd, 'Y') == 0) { ylow = NULL; } else { it = ylow->yit; it--; ylow = it->second; } if (G.Add_To_Best(n, yhigh, ntoadd, 'Y') == 0) { yhigh = NULL; } else { it = yhigh->yit; it++; yhigh = it->second; } done = (xlow == NULL && xhigh == NULL && ylow == NULL && yhigh == NULL); } /* Now, we add all of the edges to the adjacency lists. */ IT(it, G.Best) G.Add_Edge(n, it->second); /* And clear all of the considered fields */ VIT(i, G.Considered) G.Considered[i]->considered = 0; G.Considered.clear(); } } } /* Our last step is to connect the graph. We've been using the disjoint set to keep track of connected components. To connect the graph, pick a random node. Find the closest node to that one that is not in the same segment. Then find the closest node to *that* one that is not in the same segment. That should be O(|N|) for each component. */ while (G.Num_Components > 1) { n2 = NULL; n = G.Nodes[lrand48()%G.Nodes.size()]; s1 = G.D->Find(n->id); VIT(i, G.Nodes) { if (G.D->Find(G.Nodes[i]->id) != s1) { if (n2 == NULL || Distance(n, G.Nodes[i]) < Distance(n, n2)) n2 = G.Nodes[i]; } } n = n2; n2 = NULL; s1 = G.D->Find(n->id); VIT(i, G.Nodes) { if (G.D->Find(G.Nodes[i]->id) != s1) { if (n2 == NULL || Distance(n, G.Nodes[i]) < Distance(n, n2)) n2 = G.Nodes[i]; } } G.Add_Edge(n, n2); } } /* Set all colors to the default color */ VIT(i, G.Nodes) { n = G.Nodes[i]; n->Color = 0; n->Adj_Color.resize(n->Adj_N.size(), 0); } /* Set the starting node to be the one 20% in on the x axis, and the ending node to be the one 80% in on the x axis. */ it = G.Xmap.begin(); it++; for (i = 0; i < (int) G.Nodes.size()*2/10; i++) it++; G.Start = it->second; for (i = 0; i < (int) G.Nodes.size()*6/10; i++) it++; G.End = it->second; G.Reset(); /* Do the respective algorithm. */ gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); t1 = tp.tv_usec; t1 /= 1000000.0; t1 += tp.tv_sec; if (G.DAN == "Nothing") { } else if (G.DAN == "Dijkstra") { G.Do_Dijkstra(); } else if (G.DAN == "A-Star") { G.Do_A_Star(); } gettimeofday(&tp, NULL); t2 = tp.tv_usec; t2 /= 1000000.0; t2 += tp.tv_sec; /* And print if need be */ G.Start->Color = 4; G.End->Color = 4; if (G.Print == "Y") { printf("newgraph\n"); printf("xaxis min %.3lf max %3lf size 8 nodraw\n", xmin, xmax); printf("yaxis min %.3lf max %3lf size 8 nodraw\n", ymin, ymax); printf("newcurve marktype box gray 0 marksize %.3lf %.3lf pts %.3lf %.3lf\n", (xmax-xmin)*1.05, (xmax-ymin)*1.05, (xmax+xmin)/2.0, (ymax+ymin)/2.0); VIT(i, G.Nodes) { n = G.Nodes[i]; VIT(j, n->Adj_N) { if (n->id > n->Adj_N[j]->id) { printf("newline color %s pts %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf %.3lf\n", colors[n->Adj_Color[j]].c_str(), n->X, n->Y, n->Adj_N[j]->X, n->Adj_N[j]->Y); if (n->Adj_Color[j] == 4) printf("linethickness 2\n"); } } } VIT(i, G.Nodes) { printf("newcurve marktype circle color %s pts %.3lf %.3lf\n", colors[G.Nodes[i]->Color].c_str(), G.Nodes[i]->X, G.Nodes[i]->Y); } printf("newcurve marktype circle color %s pts %.3lf %.3lf\n", colors[G.Start->Color].c_str(), G.Start->X, G.Start->Y); printf("newcurve marktype circle color %s pts %.3lf %.3lf\n", colors[G.End->Color].c_str(), G.End->X, G.End->Y); } else if (G.Print == "G") { VIT(i, G.Nodes) { n = G.Nodes[i]; printf("NODE %d %lg %lg\n", n->id, n->X, n->Y); } VIT(i, G.Nodes) { n = G.Nodes[i]; VIT(j, n->Adj_N) { printf("EDGE %d %d\n", n->id, n->Adj_N[j]->id); } } exit(0); } printf("(* Time: %9.6lf *)\n", t2-t1); nopen = 0; ndefault = 0; VIT(i, G.Nodes) { if (G.Nodes[i]->Color == 0) ndefault++; if (G.Nodes[i]->Color == 1) nopen++; } printf("(* Path Length: %6.3lf *)\n", G.Path_Length); printf("(* Closed Set Size: %6d *)\n", (int) G.Nodes.size() - ndefault - nopen); printf("(* Open Set Size: %6d *)\n", nopen); printf("(* Unvisited Nodes: %6d *)\n", ndefault); return 0; }