newgraph (* Set up a "graph" to be a football field. There will be two points on the X axis, one for the University of Tennessee, and one for Princeton. That's why we use no_auto_hash_labels *) xaxis min .2 max 2.8 size 5 no_auto_hash_labels mhash 0 hash 1 shash 1 (* The Y axis has no labels. *) yaxis min 0 max 10 size 6 nodraw (* Draw the football one big green mark. *) newcurve marktype box marksize 2.6 10 cfill 0 .5 0 pts 1.5 5 (* Draw 10-yard lines as two lines with a gap in the middle for the yard number. *) shell : echo "" | awk '{ \ for (i = 1; i < 10; i += 1) { \ printf ("newline gray 1 pts 0.2 %d 1.4 %d\n", i, i); \ printf ("newline gray 1 pts 1.6 %d 2.8 %d\n", i, i); \ } }' (* Draw 10-yard labels. I do this by specifying a string which I never draw, and then copying it. *) newstring hjc vjc font Times-Italic lgray 1 fontsize 14 x 1.5 shell : echo "" | awk '{ \ for (i = 1; i < 6; i += 1) { \ printf "copystring y %d : %d0\n",i, i \ } }' shell : echo "" | awk '{ \ for (i = 6; i < 10; i += 1) { \ printf "copystring y %d : %d0\n",i, 10-i \ } }' (* Draw 1-yard marks *) shell : echo "" | awk '{ \ for (i = 0; i < 10; i += .1) { \ printf "newline gray 1 pts 0.97 %f 1.03 %f\n", i, i; \ printf "newline gray 1 pts 1.97 %f 2.03 %f\n", i, i; \ } }' (* Now, draw footballs *) newcurve eps football.eps marksize .35 1 pts shell : echo "" | awk '{ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf "1, %.1f\n", i+.5 }' 2 .5 (* Draw team names *) xaxis hash_labels fontsize 20 hash_label at 1 : University of\ Tennessee hash_label at 2 : Princeton (* Draw the label, and make a football legend by hand, without using the legend feature of jgraph *) newstring fontsize 28 hjc vjt x 3.4 y 9 : University\ Football\ Budgets newcurve eps football.eps marksize .35 1 pts 3.35 3 newstring fontsize 20 hjl vjc x 3.55 y 3 : = copystring hjc vjc x 3.4 y 2 : 1 Gazillion\ Dollars