CS460 Midterm Exam. April 3, 1997 -- Final Grading Information

General Comments

The test went about as expected. I didn't think it was too hard -- only if you got bogged down in the coding of question three would you be pressed for time.

As far translating numbers into grades, I'd say:

If you are in the B+ range are in good shape for an A if you do about as well on the final, and if you excel on your labs. Below 25 means you should be striving to improve (and have good lab scores). Like most of my classes, the weighting of grades will be 55/20/25 (labs/midterm/final).

Histogram of exam scores

Tukey plots of exam scores

(the line goes from min to max, the box from 1st quartile to 3rd quartile, dot at the mean and hash lines at the median).