CS560 Midterm Exam - March 17, 2005 - Answers

Jim Plank

Question 1

Part 1: With a three-level multilevel feedback queue, ready processes can be in one of three queues, which for the sake of simplicity, we will call Q1, Q2 and Q3. When it is time to schedule a process, the first process in Q1 is always selected. If there is no process in Q1, then the first process in Q2 is selected. If there is no process in Q2, then the first process in Q3 is selected.

When a process first enters the ready state, it enters Q1. If it expires its time quantum, then it is moved to Q2. If it expires its time quantum in Q2, then it moves to Q3, and stays there until it leaves the READY/RUNNING state. When it is rescheduled again, it will move back to Q1. The three queues have different time quanta. Q2's is either the same as Q1's (which is how we implemented it in class), or something like double Q1's quantum (which is how the book described it). Q3 either does not have a time quantum (that's how the book describes it), or has a much longer time quantum than Q1 & Q2. For example, in our implementation, we increased Q1's time quantum by a factor of 10.

This algorithm is a good one, because it does a decent job of identifying I/O bound processes (those that stay in Q1/Q2), and these get serviced in preference to the CPU bound processes. Thus, the I/O bound jobs have decent response time, and the "convoy" effect is avoided. The CPU-bound jobs get the rest of the CPU's resources, and if a time quantum is used, they still get time-sliced. However, since the quantum in Q3 is either big or infinite, these processes do not absorb the overhead that they would absorb were the quantum lower.

Part 2: This is subtle. Suppose this job gets scheduled with less than 400 seconds left until the timer interrupts. Note, we don't reset the timer at each scheduling point, so it can interrupt a job after less than the whole time quantum has taken place.

When this happens, the job is moved to Q2, and suppose Q2's time quantum is double Q1's. Then at least one time quantum will be dedicated to the job, and it will voluntarily give up the CPU and move back to Q1. If we didn't have that second queue, the job would go instantly onto the third queue, and may have to wait a significant period of time for the CPU-bound jobs to execute before it can get the CPU and go back to Q1. Thus, that second queue makes sure that the I/O bound jobs do not get put into the CPU-bound queue erroneously.


Correct description including:

Question 2

Schedule A is serializable, since the schedule is equivalent to one where Transaction 1 is executed, and then Transaction 2 is executed. However, it cannot result from two-phase locking, because Transaction 1 has to hold the lock for A when Transaction 2 would hold the lock.

Schedule B is serializable, since the schedule is equivalent to one where Transaction 1 is executed before Transaction 2. Moreover, it could result from a two phase locking protocol. Assume that Transaction 1 first locks A, C and D, and then it unlocks each item after reading/writing it. It works.

Schedule C is neither serializable nor could it result from a two-phase locking protocol.

Schedule D is serializable, since the schedule is equivalent to one where Transaction 1 is executed before Transaction 2. It could also result from a two-phase locking protocol -- assume that Transaction 1 locks all three items at the beginning, and then unlocks them all after reading E.


Eight points -- one for each schedule & question.

Question 3

The seg fault occurs at line 78. What has happened? We have just started running a new thread, and a fresh, empty stack was created for it in lines 62/63 or 66/67, which set the sp/fp around a blank area of memory. Then longjmp() is called in lin 71. That longjmp() returns to the setjmp() call on line 57. At that point, all local variables have no values, since the stack is a new one. Specifically, ktrun will be 0, and when the program attempts to access ktrun->exitbuf on line 78, it seg faults.

The solution to this is pretty simple -- do not attempt to have a local variable whose values are retained across the longjmp() call. Instead of using ktrun, just use a global variable (this is how the real kt.c does it -- it uses ktRunning instead of ktrun).


5 points -- 1 for identifying the proper line, 2 for the proper reason, 2 for the proper fix.

Question 4

A safe state is one in which we can be guaranteed that there is an ordering, p_1, ..., p_n of the processes such that all of the resources that p_1 needs are available. Then, once p_i completes and releases all of its resources, p_(i+1) may allocate all of its resources.

Safe states are used to avoid deadlocks in the following way. Each process declares its resource needs to the system. Then, whenever a process attempts to allocate a resource, the system must ensure that it will still be in a safe state once the resource is allocated. Otherwise, the process must block. In this manner, deadlocks are avoided.


5 points -- three for the definition of safe states (and I was picky here), and two for how it is used -- you must say that the process is blocked if its resource aquisition would result in an unsafe state to received these latter two points.

Question 5

One thread may read another thread's memory. By not freeing a thread's stack until a thread is joined, we can be sure that the memory locations on the thread's stack will be valid even if the thread has exited.

Several of you said that threads cannot free their own stacks. That is true; however, in the kthreads library, a thread's stack is freed instantly when it exits -- it is just freed by a different thread (the one that gets scheduled when the thread dies).


3 points. Either you got it right, or you didn't.

Question 6

Ok -- the basics are straightforward -- traverse the list and check to see if the resource is unlocked. If they are all unlocked, great -- lock them! The real problem is what to do when one of them is locked.

Unfortunately, no one gave a completely correct answer, which I have below. Here is a decent spectrum of answers. Almost everyone's fell into one of these classes.

Here is a CORRECT solution.
mutex_t lock;
Dllist blocked;
Lock is initialized in the obvious way, and blocked is initialized to be empty. Then the two routines may be implemented as follows:
void lock_resources(Dllist rlist)
  int ok;
  Dllist tmp;
  cond_t cond;
  Resource *r;
  while (1) {
    ok = 1;
    dll_traverse(tmp, rlist) {
      r = (Resource *) tmp->val.v;
      if (r->inuse) ok = 0;
    if (ok) {
      dll_traverse(tmp, rlist) {
        r = (Resource *) tmp->val.v;
    } else {
      cond = new_cond();
      dll_append(blocked, new_jval_v((void *) cond));
      cond_wait(cond, lock);
void unlock_resources(Dllist rlist)
  int ok;
  Dllist tmp;
  cond_t cond;
  Resource *r;
  dll_traverse(tmp, rlist) {
    r = (Resource *) tmp->val.v;
  while (!dll_empty(blocked)) {
    cond = (cond_t) blocked->flink->val.v;


12 points. Basically, you get graded on which answer you gave, and then you get extra points for good things, or get deducted for bad things. A standard deduction was 1 point if you didn't protect your loop traversal with a semaphore or mutex.