Grading for Question 2 -- 10 points
You didn't need to know how to define d and e, but
I wanted to hear some semblance of the rest of the details. Grading
was as follows:
- The basic scheme:
For Rex to send June a message, June must send him a public
key. He uses that key to encode the message and send it to June,
who uses a private key related to the public key to encode it.
If you got this much: 4 points.
- The public key involves two numbers, n, which has
something to do with large primes, and d, which has something
to do with n: 1 point.
- The private key involves n and e, which is also
computed from n: 1 point.
- n is the product of two large primes: 1 point
- You got the encoding/decoding functions: 1 point.
- The fact that large primes are hard to deal with enables this
scheme: 1 point.
- Specifically, the fact that it is hard to factor n,
and thus for an external person to calculate e enables
this scheme: 1 point.