Burrito Chicken

Adaptation of the Taco Beef recipe



Cut the chicken into 1/4 or 1/2 inch cubes (this is easiest if the chicken is half-frozen). Marinate the chicken with the cumin, allspice, chili powder, salt, oil, and juice from the lemons for as long as you want -- 10 minutes to several hours. Heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat, and dump the contents into the pan. Keep going on medium-high until the chicken seems done. Don't boil away all the liquid (add water if it's getting dry). Put on low until it's time to assemble the burritos. This freezes pretty well (I usually add some more lemon or water so that there's some liquid in which to freeze the chicken pieces).

This should make enough for 8 medium burritos.

Jim Plank

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