Potatoes, Whole Spices & Sesame Seeds

From Madhur Jaffrey's World of the East Vegetarian Cooking, Knopf, 1973. ISBN 0-394-40271-5 or 0-394-74867-0.



Boil potatoes in their jackets. Drain and allow them to cool for 3 to 4 hours. Peel the potatoes and then dice them into approximately 3/4-inch cubes.

Combine the cumin, fenugreek, and mustard seeds in a small cup and arrange all the ingredients near the stove in the order in which they go into the skillet.

Heat the oil in a large 12 to 14-inch heavy skillet over a medium flame. When very hot, put in the spices in this order: First put in the ground asafetida and let it sizzle for 3 seconds; then put in the combined cumin, fenugreek, and black mustard seeds and let them sizzle another 5 seconds; put in the red peppers and stir the spices around for 3 seconds; put in the sesame seeds and stir another 5 seconds; now add the turmeric, stir once, and put in the diced potatoes.

Turn heat up to medium-high. Stir and fry the potatoes for 5 minutes. Add the salt, pepper, and the amchoor. Stir and fry for another 5 minutes. The potatoes should get a few light brown spots on them. Serves 6 (unless they're really hungry)


Jim Plank

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