Leetcode.com problem 695: "Maximum Area of Island"

James S. Plank

Fri Jul 15 01:19:55 PM EDT 2022

This is a standard, simple graph problem from CS302: Of all the connected components in the graph, return the size of the largest. You can determine connected components with DFS, so go ahead and define a recursive DFS method, and implement it.

The DFS is so simple, that to challenge yourself, you can try to implement it without recursion. You can do that by maintaining a stack, and where you would normally make a recursive call, you push the node onto the stack. Your main loop maintains a current row, a current column, and the stack. Inside the main loop, you do the following:

I have my commented non-recursive code below. Instead of a single stack that holds a "node", I have two stacks -- one for the row number of the node and one for the column number.

Runtime: 26 ms, faster than 68.48% of C++ online submissions for Max Area of Island.
Memory Usage: 23.2 MB, less than 67.07% of C++ online submissions for Max Area of Island.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
    int maxAreaOfIsland(vector<vector<int> >& grid);

int Solution::maxAreaOfIsland(vector<vector<int> >& g)
  int i, j, cs;
  vector <int> row_stack, col_stack;
  int r, c;
  int csize;
  int max;

  csize = 0;
  max = 0;
  i = 0;      /* i is the current row number that we're looking at. */
  j = 0;      /* And j is the current_column number */

  /* Iterate until the stacks are empty and i has exceeded the number of rows. */
  while (i < g.size() || !row_stack.empty()) {

    /* If the stack is empty, check to see if g[i][j] is one.
       If so, push i and j onto the stacks.  Regardless, update j
       (and maybe i) to look at the next element of g. */

    if (row_stack.empty()) {
      if (g[i][j] == 1) {
      if (j == g[0].size()) { j = 0; i++; }

    /* If the stack isn't empty, then pop the top node's row and column
       numbers into r and c. */

    } else {
      r = row_stack.back();
      c = col_stack.back();

      /* If g[r][c] is 1, then increment the component size, set
         g[r][c] to zero, and then check the neighboring elements.
         If a neighbors entry in g is one, then push it onto the stack. */

      if (g[r][c] == 1) {
        g[r][c] = 0;
        if (r > 0 && g[r-1][c] == 1) {
        if (r+1 < g.size() && g[r+1][c] == 1) {
        if (c > 0 && g[r][c-1] == 1) {
        if (c+1 < g[0].size() && g[r][c+1] == 1) {

      /* Finally, if the pops have made the stacks empty, then
         you are done with that component.  Maintain the max
         component size, and clear csize back to zero. */

      if (row_stack.size() == 0) {
        if (csize > max) max = csize;
        csize = 0;
  return max;

int main()
  int r, c, n;
  int i, j;
  vector < vector < int > > g;
  Solution s;

  cin >> r >> c;

  for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
      cin >> n;

  n = s.maxAreaOfIsland(g);
  cout << n << endl;
  return 0;