Leetcode.com problem 1465: "Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts"
James S. Plank
Sat Jul 2 07:09:11 PM EDT 2022
To be honest with you, I'm not sure why this one has a sub-50% acceptance
rate. My guess is that the non-acceptances had one of three problems:
- They tried to treat the height and width as special cases.
- They forgot to use a long long when calculating the answer.
- They didn't sort the vectors, maybe?
The first things you should do is add 0 and h to the horizontal
cuts, and 0 and w to the vertical cuts. Now you only have to deal
with the cuts. Next, sort the vectors using sort() from the
STL++ algorithms. The answer is going to be the
maximum difference between adjacent horizontal cuts times the
maximum difference between adjacent vertical cuts, modulo that big number.
That one got me 91ms, faster than 70.82% of C++ submissions.