Leetcode.com problem 729: "My Calendar I"
James S. Plank
Fri Aug 5 09:59:36 AM EDT 2022
This is a classic use of the lower_bound method of C++ sets and maps.
In case Leetcode's servers are down
Here is a summary of the problem:
You are to implement a class called myCalendar, which has two public
- A constructor without parameters.
- A method book():
bool book(int start, int end);
You call book() with a starting and ending time of a meeting that you
want to book. Your data structure needs to keep track of your meetings, and
if it's possible to book the meeting, your book() method should add
the meeting to the data structure and return true. Otherwise, it
should return false.
The times are integers between 0 and 109, and there will
be at most 1000 calls to book in a test.
Code and examples
The code in main.cpp gives you a command-line tool
to test your implementation. It accepts the following commands:
- BOOK start end: This will call the book method and print out
whether it is true or false.
- RAND seed num: This will create num random book()
calls. The start times will be between 0 and 109, and the end times
will be between 1 and 106 past start. It prints out the number
of true and the number of false responses.
- RAND-P seed num: This does the same as RAND, but it prints
the individual calls.
UNIX> ( echo BOOK 10 20 ; echo BOOK 0 5 ; echo BOOK 7 11 ; echo BOOK 5 10 ) | ./a.out
UNIX> echo RAND-P 11 10 | a.out
749653431 750153829 TRUE
219272843 220264038 TRUE
447348371 447509815 TRUE
141543152 141750265 TRUE
516427696 517005756 TRUE
402840984 403610499 TRUE
132900213 133003825 TRUE
516453320 517374582 FALSE
980791656 981416244 TRUE
716132944 716848105 TRUE
9 1
UNIX> echo RAND 10 1000 | ./a.out
673 327
This is a perfect use of a map. Keys are times, and vals are either 0 or 1.
When you call book() and you determine that the booking works, then you insert
the start time into the map with a value of 1, and the end time with a value of 0.
If a start time coincides with a previous end time, or vice versa, then you delete
the time from the map.
In this way, you can use lower_bound calls to determine whether or not the
booking is valid.
Let's do the example from above:
UNIX> ( echo BOOK 10 20 ; echo BOOK 0 5 ; echo BOOK 7 11 ; echo BOOK 5 10 ) | ./a.out
- The map starts as empty.
- After book(10,20), then the map contains { (10,1), (20,0) }.
- After book(0,5), then the map contains { (0,1), (5,0), (10,1), (20,0) }.
- When you call book(7,11), then you will discover that there is a meeting
that starts at time 10, which would overlap with this meeting. So you return false.
- After book(5,10), then the map contains { (0,1) , (20,0) } -- you have deleted
5 and 10 from the map.
To help you think -- you can call lower_bound on both start and end,
or you can just call it on start, and examine the adjacent iterators. I'm not
going to hand-hold you more than that. The running time complexity of book()
will be O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the map.