Leetcode.com problem 1473: "Paint-House-III"

James S. Plank

Sun Jul 10 11:30:00 EDT 2022

In case Leetcode's servers are down

If Leetcode's servers are down, I've given you tools to do the problem anyway. Do the solution in main.cpp, and then you can test yourself with tests.sh. Your output should match answers.txt, and your timing should be roughly the same as mine, which was just under 2 seconds.

Here is a summary of the problem:

The examples

The format here is M, N, Target, then Houses, then Costs

5 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 5 1
Answer = 9 -- Paint them 1, 2, 2, 1, 1.
5 2 3 0 2 1 2 0 1 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 5 1
Answer = 11 -- Paint them 2, 2, 1, 2, 2
4 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Answer = -1. Can't be done.

I have 100 more problems in Problems/??.txt. That's what tests.txt runs.


This is a dynamic program, plain and simple. I'm guessing that the success rate is high, because more experienced programmers take on the "hard" problems, and experienced programmers are used to dynamic programming.

As always, the challenge is to spot the recursion. This is a pretty typical recursion for a DP problem: Call DP(i), where you know that all houses with numbers less then i are painted. Then, in DP(), you try all possible colors, and return the minimum.

It's a little more complex than that though. My recursive procedure was DP(index, target, prev), where:

DP() returns the minimum cost of painting the houses starting with index. You start with DP(0, target, -1).

Let's do example 2.

DP(0, 3, -1) makes two recursive calls:
  - Paint house 0 color 1: Cost =  1 plus DP(1, 2, 1).
  - Paint house 0 color 2: Cost = 10 plus DP(1, 2, 2).
  Let's walk through the recursions:

  DP(1, 2, 1) means house[0] is color 1.  Since house 1 is painted with color 2, that means
     you have to start a new group with house 1 and you only make one recursive call.
     That is: DP(2, 1, 2).

    DP(2, 1, 2) means house[1] is color 2.  Since house 2 is painted with color 1, that means
       you have to start a new group with house 2 and you only make one recursive call.
       That is: DP(3, 0, 1).

      DP(3, 0, 1) means house[2] is color 1.  Since house 3 is painted with color 2, that means
         you have to start a new group with house 3, and that would set target to -1.  That means
         it's impossible, so DP(3, 0, 1) returns -1.

    DP(2, 1, 2) returns -1 too.
 DP(1, 2, 1) returns -1 too.

So now we're back in DP(0, 3, -1), which is now going to call DP(1, 2, 2).

  DP(1, 2, 2) means house[0] is color 2.  Since house 1 is also color 2, you make
     the recursive call: DP(2, 2, 2).

    DP(2, 2, 2) means house[1] is color 2.  House[2] is color 1, so we call DP(3, 1, 1).

      DP(3, 1, 1) means house[2] is color 1.  House[3] is color 2, so we call DP(4, 0, 2);

        DP(4, 0, 2) means house[3] is color 1.  House[4] is unpainted, so we can do two things:

          - Paint it 1: which would call DP(5, -1, 1).  That call is illegal, so we don't do it.
          - Paint it 2: which calls DP(5, 0, 2), and adds 1 to the answer.

          DP(5, 0, 2) -- we're in the base case: return 0.

        So DP(4, 0, 2) returns 1.
      DP(3, 1, 1) returns 1.
    DP(2, 2, 2) returns 1.
  DP(1, 2, 2) returns 1.

So now we're back in DP(0, 3, -1) and our answer is 10 plus DP(1, 2, 2), which is 11.

Your memoization cache stores the three variables. I made my a vector of vector of vectors of ints, whose size is O(m * target * n). You can use that as the running time of the program, too.

Some pitfalls, testing, improving

There are some pitfalls in this program. The major one is the fact that costs[i][j] stores the cost of painting house i with color j+1. An easy way to fix that is to run through houses and decrement each house by one. Now "-1" means unpainted.

The other pitfall is to only use the leetcode examples for testing. I know we all want to submit as quickly as possible, but you should test. Basically, your program is going to have a bunch of conditions, and you should concoct an example that tests every single one of those before you submit. I know it's no fun, but that's better than not testing and finding a bug in the condition that you didn't test. It happened to me.

You can of course make this faster by, for example, shrinking houses by condensing groups of consecutive painted houses. I didn't do that, BTW, but it would work. It can also shrink the size of your memoization cache.