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Sponsored Research and Professional Service


Sponsored research projects at UT (Total contract value: $40 M)

Watching Grid Infrastructure Stealthily via Proxies (WISP) 
Sponsor: ARPA-e/DOE - 2018-2021, $500,000 ($100,000 cost share).
(PIs: F. Li (lead), J. Sun and K. Tomsovic)

IoT Security in Power System Applications
Sponsor: CISCO - 2018-2019, $100,000.
(PIs: J. Sun (lead), H. Qi, L. Tolbert and K. Tomsovic)

Continuously Variable Series Reactor for Distribution System Applications
Sponsor: ORNL - 2018-2019, $92,000.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), F. Wang)

 Microgrid EMS Extensions
Sponsor: ORNL - 2017-2018, $50,000.
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

Ensuring Resilient Operation of the Future Power System with High Levels of Renewables using Switched Mode Devices
Sponsor: NSF - 2017-2020, $358,152.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), S. Djouadi)

ERC: Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT)
Sponsor: NSF/DOE - 2011-2019, $30,500,000.
Industry sponsorships: 2011-present $2,500,000.
Various supplements: 2011-present $2.000,000
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), Y. Liu, J. Chow, A. Abur, G. Murphy, and others; subcontracts with Northeastern Univ., Rensselaer Poly. Inst. and Tuskegee Univ.)

Strengthening power system dynamic operation with the advent of increased renewable generation: Location and control of fast energy storage systems
Sponsor: NSF - 2015-2018, $355,372.
(PIs: H. Pulgar-Painemal (lead), S. Djouadi, K. Tomsovic)

Systems Engineering Perspective on Power Transmission for Nigeria
Sponsor: USAID - 2014-2017, $167,815. 
(PIs: A. Melodi (lead), K. Tomsovic,  J. Momoh -  funding for Federal University of Technology, Akure)

JST-NSF-DSG Workshop on Future Power System Architectures and Control Paradigms

Sponsor: NSF - 2014-2016, $65,000
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

CPS: Synergy: A Cyber Physical Framework for Remedial Action Schemes in Large Power Networks

Sponsor: NSF - 2012-2016, $750,000.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), S. Djouadi, H. Li)

A Saturable Magnetic Amplifier
Sponsor: ARPAe - 2014-2017, $552,000 (Phase 2: UT Subcontract).
(PI: A. Dimitrovski (ORNL), UT PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), D. Costinett, Y. Liu and F. Wang)
Sponsor: ARPAe - 2012-2013, $150,000 (Phase 1: UT Subcontract).
(PI: A. Dimitrovski (ORNL), UT PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead) and Y. Liu)

Microgrid EMS
Sponsor: ORNL - 2013-2015, $132,000.
(PI: K. Tomsovic )

Ensuring Security and Reducing Price Volatility of Power Systems with Extensive Controllable Load
Sponsor: NSF - 2010-2013, $300,000.
(PIs: F. Li (lead), K. Tomsovic)

Scalable and Flat Controls for Reliable Power Grid Operation with High Renewable Penetration

Sponsor: GCEP - Stanford - 2010-2012, $2,700,000. (UT lead with funding at $875,000)
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), F. Li, L. Tolbert; subcontracts with University of Illinois, Northeastern University and 
Rensselaer Poly. Inst.)

NSF Workshop on Increasing Domestic Student Participation in ECE Graduate Programs
Sponsor: NSF - 2009-2010, $50,000
(PIs: I. Arel (lead), K. Tomsovic)

Collaborative Research: A Resilient Real-Time System for a Secure and Reconfigurable Power Grid
Sponsor: NSF - 2008-2009, $50,000
(PIs: H. Qi (Lead), F. Li, L. Tolbert, K. Tomsovic, X. Wang)

Sponsored research projects at WSU (Total contract value: $2.6 M)

System Restoration Strategies
Sponsor: PowerTech through PSerc - 2007-2009, $50,000.
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

NSF Program Director under Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)
Sponsor: NSF -  2004-2006,  $317,387.
(PI: K.Tomsovic)

A New Paradigm for Collaborative Research and Education in Sustainable Energy Systems and Supporting Information Technologies
Sponsor: NSF -  2004-2007,  $240,000.
(PI: K.Tomsovic, subcontracts with University of Washington, Howard University and Rensselaer Poly. Inst.)

Modeling the Interaction between the Technical, Social, Economic and Environmental Components of Large Scale Electric Power Systems
Sponsor: NSF -  2002-2006,  $350,000.
        +$45,000 supplement for West African research cooperation
       +$110,000 supplement for educational extensions
(PIs: K.Tomsovic (lead), A. Ford, A. Bose, Ken Casavant, L. Lutzenhiser)

Real-Time Power System Controls
Sponsor: DOE through CERTS -  2001-2005,  $650,000.
(PIs: A.Bose (lead), K. Tomsovic, and V. Venkatasubramanian)

Towards an Understanding of Deregulated Electricity Markets through Time Series Analysis
Sponsor: NSF - 2000-2003,  $240,000.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead) and Z. Obradovic)

NSF I/UCRC: Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
Sponsors: NSF - I/UCRC - 1998-2003,  $250,000.
(PIs: A.Bose (lead), K. Tomsovic and V. Venkatasubramanian)

Risk Analysis in a Deregulated Power Market using Fuzzy Sets
Sponsor: NSF/NATO Fellowship -  2001-2002,  $49,800.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead) and A. Dimitrovski)

Integrated Security Analysis
Sponsor: DOE through CERTS -  2001-2002,  $60,000.
Sponsor: PowerTech through PSerc - 2000-2001, $110,000.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead) and A.Bose)

Increasing Transparency of Transmission Constraints on the Electricity Trading Market
Sponsor: NSF - 1999-2001,  $225,000.
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), A.Bose, R. Podmore and R. Thomas)

Complex Network Initiative
Sponsor: EPRI/ARO - 1999-2001,  $315,000 (WSU portion).
(PIs: A.Bose (lead), A. Saberi, K. Tomsovic and V. Venkatasubramanian)

Application of Dispersed Energy Resources in the Electric Power System
Sponsor: DOE through CERTS -  1999,  $55,000.
(PI: K.Tomsovic)

Automated Operation Procedures
Sponsor: PG&E through PSerc - 1997-2000, $80,000 + Fellowship
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead) and A.Bose)

MERIT 2000: Multidisciplinary Education using Curriculum Re-engineering Industry Partnership and Simulation Technology
Sponsor: NSF/EPRI - May 1997 to May 2000,  $270,000 (WSU portion $135,000)
             Corporate and university matching, est. $450,000
(PIs: K. Tomsovic (lead), A.Bose and V. Venkatasubramanian; joint with Texas A&M)

Information Theoretic Approaches to Equipment Monitoring and Diagnosis
Sponsor: NSF - Aug. 1996 to Aug. 1998,  $79,000.
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

Voltage Dynamics, Collapse and Control
Sponsor: Department of Energy - July 1995 to July 1997, $220,000.
(PIs: V. Venkatasubramanian (lead), A.Bose and K. Tomsovic)

Placement of Dispersed Fuel Cells
Sponsor: Washington Water Power - Jan. 1995 - Jan. 1996, Fellowship and Software donation (Estimated value $25,000).
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

Enhanced Distribution Protection and Switching Functions
 Sponsor: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. - Jan. 1994 to July 1995,  $28,500.
(PI: K. Tomsovic)

Symposium on Electric Power Systems Infrastructure
 Sponsor: NSF - Aug. 1994 to Dec. 1994,  $20,000.
(PIs: A. Bose (lead) and K. Tomsovic).

Research support external to US Universities

Kyushu Electric Power (Japan) - Full salary release - 1999-2000
Vattenfall AB (Sweden) - 1991-1992
National Science Council of ROC (Taiwan) - 1988-1991

Professional Service


Editor: IEEE Power Engineering Letters, 2004-2012.
Editor: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2003-2010.


Technical Program Committee: Power System Computations Conference 2008-2011, ICEEDT07, ISAP (since inception, President 2008-2013)
Technical Chairman: International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems 1996 (ISAP'96)

Reviewing Activities

Proposal/Projects - National Science Foundation, DOE, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Singapore Science Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF)
Journals - Automatica, European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Proceedings, International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, and others. 

Technical Societies and Advisory Boards

IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES): Chair of Power Systems Analysis Computing and Economics committee 2009-2011 (past vice-chair and secretary); Chair of Intelligent Systems Applications subcommittee under PSACE Committee, 1999-2003. Region 3 PES Scholarship Committee.
IEEE Computational Intelligent Society (CIS): Task Force (TF) on Fuzzy Systems of Renewable Energy 2010-present.
Member: NERC Smart Grid Task Force
Member of Advisory Board: Emanual E.W. Jones Electrical Engineering Foundation
Co-convenor of Cigré Task Force:
Advanced Power Systems Controls using Intelligent Systems (Study Committee 38)

Previous: Curriculum Vitae
Kevin Tomsovic
May 2017