H. Casanova, M.G. Thomason and J. Dongarra, "Stochastic Performance Prediction for Iterative Algorithms in Distributed Environments," Jour. Parallel and Dist'd. Comp., 58: 68-91, 1999. Paper based on Tech. Rept. ut-cs-98-389.ps.Z
J. Gregor and M.G. Thomason, "Iterative 3D PET Imaging on Networked Computer Clusters," poster in Symp. on Future Directions in Nuclear Med. Phys. and Engrg.
J.S. Plank and M.G. Thomason, "The Average Availability of Parallel Checkpointing Systems and Its Importance in Selecting Runtime Parameters," 29th Int'l. Fault-Tolerant Comp. Symp (FTCS-29).
M.G. Thomason and J.A. Whittaker, "Properties of Rare Fail-States and Extreme Values of TTF in a Markov Chain Model for Software Reliability," Tech. Rept. ut-cs-99-417.ps.Z.
J. A. Whittaker, K. Rekab, and M.G. Thomason, "A Markov Chain Model for Predicting the Reliability of Multi-Build Software," Jour. Info. and Software Tech., 42: 889-894, 2000.
J.S. Plank and M.G. Thomason, "Processor Allocation and Checkpoint Interval Selection in Cluster Computing Systems," Jour. Parallel and Dist'd. Comp., 61: 1570-1590, 2001. Special Issue on Cluster and Network-Based Computing.
M.G. Thomason, R.F. Longton, J. Gregor, G.T. Smith, and R.K. Hutson, "Simulation of Emission Tomography Using Grid Middleware for Distributed Computing," Comp. Mtds. and Progs. Biomed., 75: 251-258, 2004.
J.S. Plank and M.G. Thomason, "A Practical Analysis of LDPC Erasure Codes for Wide-Area Storage Applications," Int'l. Conf. on Dependable Sys. and Nets. (DSN-2004), June, 2004. See also Tech. Rept. ut-cs-03-510.pdf.
J.S. Plank, A.L. Buchbaum, R.L. Collins, and M.G. Thomason, "Small Parity-Check Codes--Exploration and Observations," Int'l Conf. on Dependable Sys. and Nets. (DSN-05), June, 2005.
J.S. Plank and M.G. Thomason, "An Exploration of Non-Asymptotic Low-Density Parity-Check Erasure Codes for Wide-Area Storage Applications," Parallel Proc. Letts., 17(1): 103-123, 2007.
G. Mazeroff, J. Gregor, M.G. Thomason, and R. Ford, "Probabilistic Suffix Models for API Sequence Analysis of Windows XP Applications," Pat. Rec., 41(1): 90-101, 2008.
Y.Y. Li, M.G. Thomason, and L.E. Parker, "Detecting Time-Related Changes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Symbol Compression and PSTs," IEEE Int'l Conf. on Intell. Robots and Sys. (IROS), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2010.
M.G. Thomason and J. Gregor, "Image Tensor Tools: Incremental Updating and Imputation of Missing Pixels," Future of Intrumentation Int'l. Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, Nov. 2010.
M.G. Thomason and J. Gregor, "Higher Order SVD of Tensors for Fusion of Multimodal Images," Jour. Elec. Imag. 20, 013023 (2011), DOI:10.1117/1.3563592