/* Professor Scott, add.cc Simple program to ask for two numbers from a user, add them, and display the result additional material for First CS202 lecture : 1/23/24 */ #include // include header for i/o functions int main () { int n; // remember C++ variables are case-sensitive. int second; // second number std::cout << "Please enter first number: "; // display message std::cin >> n; // read in an int from stdin stream // NOTE: ">>" is called stream extraction operator in c++ // given i/o is done via streams, this is why we include // iostream as our predirective std::cout << "Please enter second number: "; // display #2 message std::cin >> second; // similar to C, most operations are done relative to an assignment operator int sum = n + second; std::cout << "sum is = " << sum << std::endl; // display result to user }