#ifndef TIME_H #define TIME_H /* Professor Scott. time.h This code is largely based on another example in Chapter 9 (Section 9.2) This class will store the time, defined in the constructor, and can display the time in either a universal or standard form Member functions are defined in time.cpp NOTE: the # statements above ensure the header file is including only once during compile time. Required for larger assignments and projects */ // Class to store the (current) time class Time { public: // remember, public items go first! Time(); // constructor for the class void setTime(int, int, int); // set function: hour, min, sec void printUniversal(); // print version 1 void printStandard(); // print version 2 private: // data will almost always be private to hide them from the client int hour; // hour: 0-23 int minute; // minute: 0-59 int second; // second: 0-59 // it is often prefered, not required, to specify ranges of data members // to aid debugging for other programers. }; #endif